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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Persuasive Essay About Military Draft - 1456 Words

The military draft is now a thing of the past since World War II and the Vietnam War. Today the military draft seems obsolete with the rise in volunteers. Over the past half-century, military drafts have controlled the fates of eligible men on and off the battlefield. Thankfully this is not the case today with qualified men and women signing up and risking their lives for their country. With the United States at war in the Middle East, having plenty of volunteers is essential in the effort to win. In the United States volunteers join the military from diverse backgrounds, with different reasons for joining, but, they all share the idea to serve. With a growing military force, it is essential to examine how each reason inspires the†¦show more content†¦Desperate and in need of help family members may look towards the military as the possible solution to their situation. Tricare, the name of the military health care, is provided to every service member and their family in retu rn for their four to five years of service. Tricare states that the company â€Å"provides services including dental insurance, mental health care, pharmaceutical needs, special needs coverage and vision care based on the variety of coverages a member receives† (Tricare 1). All of these health care services provided could help those in need. Providing health insurance is one of the military’s special tools for gaining volunteers. Instead of forcing people to join, offering services to others in need helps draw volunteers. Volunteers looking to become students and attend college for free may be interested in serving in the military for at least four to five years. The government covers the free education provided under the Post 9/11 GI Bill. In the article â€Å"Service Members in School: Military Veterans Experiences Using the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Pursuing Postsecondary Education† the author Jennifer L. Steele explains that the â€Å"Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act became enforced on August 1, 2009, allowing for better educational benefits for the veterans† (Steele 1). Having the opportunity to go to college is becoming a necessity to succeed in today s society. InShow MoreRelatedWhy We Need A Military Draft Today1488 Words   |  6 PagesDecember 8, 2016 Persuasive essay Why We do not need a Military Draft today. The Military Draft has been a major part in United States history. The draft has been used in four different conflicts in the United States of America. It was used in Both world wars, the Civil war, and the Cold war. It might have been effective during these times, but it also causes great corruption and sacrifice. It caused families to lose their sons and friends. 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Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesPHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 www.temple.edu/tempress Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.—(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7Read MoreWater as a Source of Future Conflict in Sa26984 Words   |  108 Pageswater as a possible beginning of vicious conflict. Other researcher (Institutionalists or Cornucopians) are more positive about the impact of water, highlighting the cooperative facet of shared waters and disagreeing that divergence over shared waters are managed better through cooperation than through military threats. Whilst these general schools of thought differ about how differences over water will be managed, though, both identify that disagreements over water are expected to occur. 5. TheRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Applying The Self Assessment Exercise - 848 Words

For one to establish a stress free life, one of the most important aspects one should pursue together is having a balanced healthy lifestyle. Paying attention to the level of changes in once life over a period of time requires a full attention and cooperation of the individual’s daily activity towards achieving this goal. As an individual , it is a priority to pay proper attention to my lifestyle by adopting a measuring scale that will help to determine my motivation ,emotion and the state of my stress level in my daily activity. By applying the self-assessment exercise, I was able to find out how the activities of the day affect my life. The assessment made me to realize that I was on an average level of stress. It shown that, the lifestyle I adopted, allows me the time to deal with stress in a controlled, non-aggressive way. Even though , I was surprised with the good result of the assessment , I sometimes felt overwhelmed with activities ,but I still try to find time t o calm down and get some rest by having a cup of water , taking a nap or taking a walk in the neighborhood. The assessment result gave me the motivation to keep doing the things I have adopted to help me when I feel stressed out with errands and home work. I understand that motivating myself will require being positive and ready to let go the things that border my life and be willing to speak out the good things I experienced in my life to the people that are more special in my lifeShow MoreRelatedThe And Situational Leadership Theory1513 Words   |  7 Pages1).My predominant leadership style, dependent upon this exercise, might have been taking an interest. Yes, this is reliable for the thing that I might have predicted ahead of time. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Describe the Pathophysiology of an Acute Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction. Answer: Pathophysiology of Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (AHTR) has been found to occur within 24 hrs of transfusion because of ABO incompatibility of the packed red blood cells or in other rare instances because of incompatibility of large volume of plasma that may be identified as the etiology. Red blood cells during transfusion usually get destroyed by the persons immune system. In other forms of allergic transfusion reactions, hemolysis might not take place. It mostly occurs as a systemic response displaying phases related to humoral immune reaction, phagocytes activation, and generation of cytokine mediators in conjunction with production of wide ranging cellular responses. Transfusion serving error like that of labeling, typing, cross-matching or clinical service error because of wrong patient sample and application of wrong unit on blood might pose threat and culminate in AHTR. Clinical manifestations of AHTR are often found to result in exhibition of early symptoms of fever with chills and/or ri gors, nausea, vomiting, pain at the site of infusion, diffuse bleeding, back and flank ache, epistaxis, hypo or hyper tension, hemoglobinuria (Bolton?Maggs Cohen, 2013). The pathophysiology pertaining to AHTR is usually found to take place across three phases. Initially during phase 1, IgG or IgM antibodies remain bound to the membranes of the RBC. Subjected to the capability of causing activation of the complements (C1 to C9) by these antibodies, hemolysis occurs. Further, in the subsequent step of phase 2, the non- hemolyzed cells might bind to the phagocytic cells by means of antibody IgG or complement of C3b receptors thereby causing stimulation of the production of cytokines like that of IL-8and TNF-. On the contrary, the RBCs that are bound undergo destruction due to phagocytosis. Finally, in case of phase 3, the clinical signs and symptoms of the AHTR is manifested through expression of the systemic effects of anaphylotoxins, cytokines and other complements such as that of C 3a and C5a. Risk factors include individual patient characteristics, blood component, equipment used, concomitant medications and intravenous fluids administered and procedures applied. Less frequent occurrence of minor ABO mismatch because of transferring of donor anti-A or anti-B for the plasma contained products might also pose threat to the culmination of AHTR (Tinegate et al., 2012). Nursing Care Plan for Patient experiencing Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction The Nursing Care Plan for the case study provided with respect to the patient admitted to hospital for performing gastroscopy following report of being easily fatigued and discharging black stool with symptoms of burning epigastric pain will be prepared. The Clinical Reasoning Cycle will be resorted to for carrying out assessments that will encompass identification of three nursing diagnosis, establishing goals, selecting suitable interventions and undertaking evaluation of outcomes (Nightingale, 2015). The condition of the patient experiencing AHTR on being kept under transfusion will be analyzed and presented in the nursing care plan with support from relevant and current health care related literature. Priority Nursing Diagnosis will include the following: Patient has been reported of having high body temperature of 40? Hyperthermia or fever have occurred following transfusion. Fever might have set in as a result of AHTR accounting for altered homeostatic mechanism due to fault in the hypothalamic regulation following inaccurate transfusion. The catastrophic consequence of AHTR induced fever must be kept at bay. Pulse of the patient upon undergoing transfusion has been found to be well above normal. Heightened heart rate poses threat to the patient thereby incurring load to the cardiovascular system. The complement mediated intravascular hemolysis along with the production of vasoactive amines and other mediators cause contraction of the bronchial and intestinal smooth muscle cell Blood pressure of the patient who underwent transfusion with pRBC at two instances was found to vary rapidly. The fluctuation in blood pressure may be of threat to the patient as it will increase the cardiovascular workload on the patients heart predisposing the affected individual to experience the penance of such differential values of blood pressure Nursing Care Plan SL No. Establishing Goals or Plans Nursing Interventions Evaluating Outcomes 1. Temperature of the patient will revert back to normal range and in the subsequent steps of the patient will feel better with regained consciousness and vitality and will no longer express of being confused or express symptoms of anxiety. Additional symptoms of chills/rigors or shaking and stiffness will also subside for patient following pertinent intervention within the next hour (Cserti-Gazdewich et al., 2015). Antipyretic medication may be administered to the patient in the form of IV injection following directives from the physician. As the fever followed pRBC transfusion, sample must be sent for confirming the patients ABO type, visual checking for hemoglobinemia and performing direct antiglobulin test (DAT) (Webert Heddle, 2017). Measurement of body temperature of patient showed decreased values within normal limits. Patient felt better without any complain of feeling dizzy or lethargic. The patient is awake and fully aware of the happenings around. The chills and rigors occurring in conjunction with fever also diminished. 2. The heart rate response of the patient will decrease and get back within the normal physiological limits thereby reliving the pressure on the cardiovascular system for carrying out extra load of work by the heart. The cardiovascular response of the patient will be normalized thereby ameliorating the risk associated with accentuated heart rate in the AHTR affected patient (Morosky Joyner, 2013). In order to combat the AHTR induced functional changes in the body, appropriate measures are required. Heart rate reduction might be done in addition to catering to taking measures for reducing the risks of renal failure. Maintenance of adequate urine output and fluids may be ensured by means of administration of diuretics like furosemide. Further, prophylactic actions might include vigorous hydration with intravenous crystalloid solutions coupled with osmotic dieresis by mannitol (Scott Greineder, 2014). Assessment of vital signs like heart rate showed values to lie within normal range. Urine output found to be within normal limits. 3. The blood pressure of the patient will be stabilized with values falling within the normal range. Mismatch transfusion that might have caused the RBCs to hemolyse and result in accentuated workload on the cardiovascular system will be taken care of through conduct of clinical tests that will include CBC, detection of bilirubin, haptoglobin and coagulation (Yahalom Zelig, 2015). Specific to the treatment of hypotension, low dose dopamine may be administered in order to enhance renal perfusion that is considered crucial in the maintenance of urine output for AHTR affected patients. Thus, regulation of urine output will indirectly help in maintaining blood pressure within normal limits (Dasararaju Marques, 2015). Blood pressure arrived within normal limits without showing any symptoms of fluctuation. Urine output is maintained at normal levels. References Bolton?Maggs, P. H., Cohen, H. (2013). Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) haemovigilance and progress is improving transfusion safety.British journal of haematology,163(3), 303-314. Cserti-Gazdewich, C. M., Pendergrast, J. M., Lin, Y., Callum, J., Lieberman, L. D., Escorcia, A., Ramirez-Arcos, S. (2015). Post-Transfusion Fevers and Post-Reaction Culture Practices at a Large Academic Hospital Transfusion Service: Quality of Information and Calculated Bacterial Contamination Event Rates.Blood,126(23), 3569-3569. Dasararaju, R., Marques, M. B. (2015). Adverse effects of transfusion.Cancer Control,22(1), 16-25. Morosky, C. M., Joyner, A. B. (2013). Blood Product Transfusion for Massive Hemorrhage.Topics in Obstetrics Gynecology,33(5), 1-7. Nightingale, K. E. (2015). Embedding Simulation-Based Learning in a Capstone Undergraduate Nursing Subject to Develop Clinical Reasoning Skills. Scott, K., Greineder, C. (2014). EM Critical Care. Tinegate, H., Birchall, J., Gray, A., Haggas, R., Massey, E., Norfolk, D., ... Allard, S. (2012). Guideline on the investigation and management of acute transfusion reactions Prepared by the BCSH Blood Transfusion Task Force.British journal of haematology,159(2), 143-153. Webert, K. E., Heddle, N. M. (2017). Investigation of Acute Transfusion Reactions.Practical Transfusion Medicine, 69. Yahalom, V., Zelig, O. (2015). Handling a transfusion haemolytic reaction.ISBT Science Series,10(S1), 12-19.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sir Rich Arkwright Was Born On December 23, 1732 At Preston In The Cou

Sir Rich Arkwright was born on December 23, 1732 at Preston in the county of Lancaster. His first profession was a barber in Bolron-le-moors in 1760. Soon afterward he traveled throught the country buying human hair. At that time he had a valuable chemical secret for dying the hair to make wigs out of. Arkwright's hair was commented to be the finest hair in the country. In 1761, Richard Arkwright married Margaret Biggins, and this marriage brought him to an aquaitance with Thomas Highs. Highs was probably one of the most important people Arkwright was to ever meet. He was the inventor of the spinning jenny and the water frame. Highs was behind the mechanical production of both of these machines, however he could now market his product due to lack of funding and ill communication skills. This is where Richard Arkwright comes in. Arkwright was highly skilled in dealing with business and other social aspects. Arkwright sought to obtain the water frame by less than friendly means. He contacted John Kay, a former employee of Highs', to "turn brass" for him. This was all part of a clever plot to get Kay to reveal the design of Highs' water frame. Eventually, Arkwright succeded and Kay cunstructed a replica of the water frame, or otherwise known as throstle. Arkwright showed off the model to several people to seek financial aid. He eventually prevailed on Mr. Smalley to fund the project. In April of 1768 he hired Kay and took him along with him to Nottingham where he built a factory turned by horses. On July 3, 1769, he obtained a patent for "spinning by rollers." By doing this, he solidified his hold over the water frame preventing Highs from ever gaining the immense profits made by the water frame. In 1771, Arkwright built another factory in Cromford. The power for this factory was supplied by a water wheel instead of horses. During this time many improvements were made to shorten the process of spinning wool. Arkwright kept an eye on these improvements and eventually made a machine combining many of them into a series. These "engines," as he called them, were enough to take up another pattent on December 16, 1775. Improvements specified in the pattent were not invented by Arkwright but were actually borrowed from a number of different spinners. The spinners he borrowed the improvements continued to use their improvements even after the pattent was obtained. In 1781, Arkwright began to take action against these people for still using these improvements by suing them for pattent infringement. Unlike what would happen today, only one case was tried against Col. Mordaunt. Mordaunt's defence was that Arkwright had never specified the inventions as required by law, theref making the pattent invalid. Soon after the trial, Arkwright published "The Case." The object of "The Case" was to obtain from the Legislature an act of Parliament to guarantee Arkwright the pattent-right which had been invalidated by the trial in 1781. In "The Case" he attributed the invention of the jenny and the water frame to James Hargrave who infact only improved on the water frame. He also cleverly omitted Highs' name from the paper, and Hargrave, who was dead, could not deny or approve of what was written. For those of you who have been wondering all this time about what the water frame exactly is, well, it's not a drenched picture frame. It's really an improvement on a spinning machine called the spinning jenny. The jenny, however, was only able to spin transverse threads. The jenny's inventor, Highs, believed he could produce a machine that could spin cotton to a degree of hardness and fineness required for logitudinal threads which had been made from foreign linnen yarn. Highs employed Kay to make the machine by giving him a model made of wood. The water frame required a great deal of power to operate it, and could only be used to the advantage of factories,and only by specific factories with an available water source to turn the machine because the steam engine had not been invented at this point in time. This is where it got the name of water frame. The yarn spun on the water frame is twisted

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My Life Story essays

My Life Story essays I had it all planned out. I would have completed my first degree by the age of 27, my Master's by the age of 35 at the latest. I am from a family of intellectual people. However, with my parent's separation, my life did not go exactly as planned. There were good times, as as well as sad, but I see my life as a living example for others to learn from. By the end of this paper, you would have learned about my accomplishments, failures, and goals for my future. I was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. My hometown of Jamaica is one of many islands in the Caribbean Sea; which is located 90 miles south of Cuba. Jamaica has made a name for itself as being one of the major tourist getaways, worldwide. The culture of Jamaica is wide and varying but of our main focus is family. The Jamaican family is a close knit web of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. My family is the most important group to which I belong. (Witt, G. A., Family gatherings became something to look forward to as a child. Those normally took place at Easter and Christmas. I remember the preparations that went into planning a successful dinner. My mother, my aunts, and my uncles would each cook a dish and take it to the home that was selected for the gathering. My cousins and I would enjoy the meals prepared as we all took part of the festivities. The dishes prepared included Jerked Chicken, Curry Goat, Jerked Pork, and many other festive dishes. Everything we cooked was hot and spicy because that is part of our culture. These gatherings reminded us of the meaning of family. The love and support showed at all times. I grew up adapting these traditions and family gatherings became my number one tradition. My friends were just as close to me as family. A number of them, would become lifelong friends. There was those friendships made at school and those made in the neighborhood. My friends ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Original 13 States of the United States

The Original 13 States of the United States The first 13 states of the United States of America were comprised of the original British colonies established between 17th and 18th centuries. While the first English settlement in North America was the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, established 1607, the permanent 13  colonies were established as follows: The New England Colonies New Hampshire Province, chartered as a British colony in 1679Massachusetts Bay Province chartered as a British colony in1692Rhode Island Colony chartered as a British colony in 1663Connecticut Colony chartered as a British colony in 1662 The Middle Colonies New York Province, chartered as a British colony in 1686New Jersey Province, chartered as a British colony in 1702Pennsylvania Province, a proprietary colony established in 1681Delaware Colony (before 1776, the Lower Counties on the Delaware River), a proprietary colony established in 1664 The Southern Colonies Maryland Province, a proprietary colony established in 1632Virginia Dominion and Colony, a British colony established in 1607Carolina Province, a proprietary colony established 1663Divided Provinces of North and South Carolina, each chartered as British colonies in 1729Georgia Province, a British colony established in 1732 Establishment of the 13 States The 13 states were officially established by the Articles of Confederation, ratified on March 1, 1781. The Articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states operating alongside a weak central government. Unlike the current power-sharing system of â€Å"federalism,† the Articles of Confederation bestowed most governmental powers to the states. The need for a stronger national government soon became apparent and eventually led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The United States Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation on March 4, 1789.The original 13 states recognized by the Articles of Confederation were (in chronological order): Delaware (ratified the Constitution on December 7, 1787)Pennsylvania (ratified the Constitution on December 12, 1787)New Jersey (ratified the Constitution on December 18, 1787)Georgia (ratified the Constitution on January 2, 1788)Connecticut (ratified the Constitution on January 9, 1788)Massachusetts (ratified the Constitution on February 6, 1788)Maryland (ratified the Constitution on April 28, 1788)South Carolina (ratified the Constitution on May 23, 1788)New Hampshire (ratified the Constitution on June 21, 1788)Virginia (ratified the Constitution on June 25, 1788)New York (ratified the Constitution on July 26, 1788)North Carolina (ratified the Constitution on November 21, 1789)Rhode Island (ratified the Constitution on May 29, 1790) Along with the 13 North American colonies, Great Britain also controlled New World colonies in present-day Canada, the Caribbean, as well as East and West Florida by 1790. Today, the process by which U.S. territories attain full statehood is left largely to the discretion of Congress under Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which states, in part, â€Å"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚   Brief History of the US Colonies While the Spanish were among the first Europeans to settle in the â€Å"New World,† England had by the 1600s established itself as the dominant governing presence along the Atlantic coast of what would become the United States. The first English colony in America was founded in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. Many of the settlers had come to the New World to escape religious persecution or in hopes of economic gains. In September 1620, the Pilgrims, a group of oppressed religious dissidents from England, boarded their ship, the Mayflower and set sail for the New World. Arriving off the coast of what is now Cape Cod in November 1620, they established a settlement at Plymouth, Massachusetts. After surviving great initial hardships in adjusting to their new homes, colonists in both Virginia and Massachusetts thrived with the well-publicized assistance of nearby Native American tribes. While increasingly large crops of corn kept them fed, tobacco in Virginia provided them with a lucrative source of income. By the early 1700s a growing share of the colonies’ population was comprised of African slaves. By 1770, the population of Britain’s 13 North American colonies had grown to more than 2 million people. By the early 1700s enslaved Africans made up a growing percentage of the colonial population. By 1770, more than 2 million people lived and worked in Great Britains 13 North American colonies. Government in the Colonies On November 11, 1620, before establishing their Plymouth Colony, the Pilgrims drafted the Mayflower Compact, a social contract in which they basically agreed that they would govern themselves. The powerful precedent for self-government set by the Mayflower Compact would be reflected in the system of public town meetings that guided colonial governments across New England. While the 13 colonies were indeed  allowed a high degree of self-government, the British system of mercantilism ensured that the colonies existed purely to benefit the economy of the  mother country. Each colony was allowed to develop its own limited government, which operated under a colonial governor appointed by and answerable to the British Crown. With the exception of the British-appointed governor, the colonists freely elected their own government representatives who were required to administer the English system of â€Å"common law.† Significantly, most decisions of the local colonial governments had to be reviewed and approved by both the colonial governor and the British Crown. A system which would become more cumbersome and contentious as the colonies grew and prospered. By the 1750s, the colonies had started dealing with each other in matters concerning their economic interests, often without consulting the British Crown. This led to a growing feeling of American identity among the colonists who began to demand that the Crown protect their â€Å"Rights as Englishmen,† particularly the right of â€Å"no taxation without representation.† The colonists’ continued and growing grievances with the British government under the rule of King George III would lead to the colonists’ issuance of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the American Revolution, and eventually, the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Today, the American flag prominently displays thirteen horizontal red and white stripes representing the original thirteen colonies.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Companies Motivate Employees Through Different Incentives Research Paper

How Companies Motivate Employees Through Different Incentives - Research Paper Example AUDIENCE: The audience for this report is any business owner or manager who is looking to motivate their employees to be more creative or more productive. I. Opening Brain drain and employee apathy are two large obstacles to optimum productivity. This becomes an inevitable part of any corporate lifestyle due to the process of completing mundane activities. In order to combat this within employees, companies regularly provide incentivized programs to invigorate productivity within employers. Various subjects that are key to increasing productivity include but are not limited to bonuses, benefits, increased commission, and even the environment (Sheffrin, 2003). Companies regularly promote competition between employees as a means of increasing productivity as well. In fact, there are a myriad of methods that have and can be used as a means of promoting productivity. A. Compensation, bonuses, benefits and their role in motivation employees Over the past decade, companies are demanding mo re productivity from the workers while compensation is down. This is because of the ever popular law of supply and demand. Indeed, when the job market is low, there is a higher demand for those positions. This means that companies can pay less for the positions available. Since economists consider productivity (i.e., output per hour worked) to be a key economic determinant of living standards, this fast pace would normally have positive implications for the working class.  But in reality, the opposite is true because of the bottomed out economy. Benefits also play a vital role in the productivity of workers because that is a value added dimension of healthcare programs (Bandura, 1997). Insofar as higher benefit costs are perpetuated by the escalating cost of health care, the increased dollars being spent on employee benefits do not lead to improved benefits.   Moreover, companies are mandated to make greater contributions into specific benefit pension plans than they did during the stock market boom. Though this may translate into higher compensation costs, it by no means improve living standards and conditions for workers (Sheffrin, 2003). Beyond that point, for the individuals who do not receive benefits from their employers, the estimated total compensation is lagging further behind productivity. The internal link for the lack of compensation growth is due to the lack of jobs available in the market as described earlier.   Employment is still down by approximately 1.2 million jobs since the recession began, which has resulted in many workers lacking the bargaining power to claim their fair and due share of the growing economy (Sheffrin, 2003). As a consequence, most of the benefits of growth have flowed to profits, not compensation.  This is because upper level management is still forced to focus on the bottom line for the shareholders, as opposed to the welfare of the employees. In the modern economic climate, the belief that productivity growth wi ll translate into rising living standards across the income spectrum is losing credibility (Bandura, 1997). II. Body A. History of Corporate Incentive Design In terms of Corporate Incentive design, the application of proper motivational techniques can be a daunting and difficult task. When companies attempt to develop a reward system, it can be easy to reward A, while intending to motivate figure B, but unintentionally reap harmful effects that can pose a liability to corporate objectives. Incentive theory in essence means that a person's actions

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business law - Assignment Example The feeling or ignorance pertaining what is happening makes the practice appear ambiguous. The practice worked in the sense that the rich folks controlled the market. Therefore, they had power that determined the flow of income within the market. This increased the mobility of physical cash leading to difficult economic situations arising within the economy. However, the situations did not affect those who pioneered them. Instead, they affected the poor persons within the communities. The parties involved include Hank Paulson, who is a treasury secretary. Initially, he headed Goldman and was the secretary during the time of crisis. On the other hand, Tim Geithner was an appointee tasked with overseeing the effectiveness of the system, and managed to be among those that facilitated the downfall of that system. Most people in the movie have different moral philosophies that justify their actions. They do actions that only serve their personal interests without considering what others may be going through at any one moment in time. Therefore, the principles that the people exhibit have a relationship with what they perform. For instance, Dick Fuld lost his job because he facilitated the downfall of one company. Thus, this showcases him as having some of the worst management principles that lack quality leadership. In addition to causing the downfall, he made away with huge lump sums of money making other people lose their valuables such as money and jobs (Ferrell et al. 160). The parties in question could have experienced different situations had they used different moral philosophies. Such philosophies include applied ethics, which potentially takes a person’s problems and tries to find out the right and wrong concerning the situation. The other philosophy is normative ethics that only makes an assessment of those factors enabling people

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Elvis Presley and Rock and Roll Essay Example for Free

Elvis Presley and Rock and Roll Essay Elvis Presley had thousands, if not millions, of followers across America at the height of his career in the music industry. Some people say his charisma brought him a legion of fans while others say the music that he played is simply too irresistible to the ears. Whatever the case, the popularity of Elvis brought rock and roll closer to the hearts and attention of many regardless of whether they were devoted fans or fierce critics. Elvis changed the landscape of the music industry in the past and those changes were eventually carried into the present generation. Some of those changes paved the way for a more comprehensive understanding of rock and roll and its roots. However, some of those changes also led to several negative influences in today’s music scene. Elvis radically altered the course of music history by putting rock and roll on center stage. Today, rock and roll music continues to be an influential force in the music industry. Part of the process of Elvis making rock and roll a portion of mainstream music—intentionally or otherwise—is that it also led to a rise in the interest of the roots of rock and roll, which are the blues and jazz music genres (Fink, p. 138). Had it not been for Elvis, we might not be having a full awareness or at least awareness to a certain extent of blues and jazz. Or probably worse, without Elvis, the rich heritage of blues and jazz music might have not survived the years and might have simply got lost in time. Of course, that is not to say that Elvis alone should be credited for the contemporary presence of blues and jazz—even rock and roll. Rather, the point is that Elvis played a major role in letting blues, jazz and rock and roll genres persist through the many decades. Unfortunately, some of the changes brought forth by the popularity of Elvis and the music that he played were negative or were seen in a negative light at the least. The most common stereotype generally attributed to rock and roll music is the lifestyle of those who have sworn with their lives to live the music. The â€Å"rock and roll lifestyle,† as most people put it, is typically viewed as a life lived in terms of three core aspects: sex, drugs and rock and roll (Inglis, p. 62). Apparently, the rock and roll part of the lifestyle is easily seen through the music. However, the inclusion of sex and drugs in that lifestyle has give rise to several issues. One of those issues is the belief that drug addiction or dependency has become an integral part of the rock and roll lifestyle. For instance, some of the rock and roll legends like Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, among others, are known to have been users of prohibited drugs. Through the years and after countless other rock and roll icons, the rock and roll lifestyle eventually became tied with drug use. Moreover, icons of rock and roll are known to have a number of partners in life, some of them even entering into extramarital affairs. One famous example is Eric Clapton who had an affair with the wife of George Harrison. Sex became the name of the game for several other rock and roll musicians which stems from the belief that icons in the music industry have the so-called â€Å"sex† appeal before the eyes of those who adored them. The influences of rock and roll have been far-reaching. It can hardly be denied that Elvis Presley had a significant role in all of those influences that have transcended time more than anything else. Had it not been for Elvis—a monumental icon tirelessly followed around by bevies of girls—the rock and roll lifestyle and the benefits reaped by today’s generation of music enthusiasts would have been entirely different than it is today. It might have been far better or far worse, the answer to which no one can really tell for certain. Apart from that, another interesting thing about the changes Elvis brought as a legacy, perhaps an unsolicited one at that, is that they have varying meanings to different people and to the society in general. Some people who know the negative sides to rock and roll still cling to the music despite having full knowledge of its dark sides. The fiercest contemporary critics of rock and roll may even point out that rock and roll as we know of it today is a bane to the minds of people, influencing their behaviors negatively. In the American society, however, rock and roll remains a stronghold in the music industry to the point that awards are given to so-called â€Å"legends† in recognition of their contributions to music. One of these award-giving bodies is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, a nonprofit organization that continues to uphold rock and roll music as a central part of the American society to this day. Not only have the shifts between the old and the contemporary rock and roll music and lifestyle impacted the society; they have also contributed to our very idea of modern culture. The image of Elvis continues to thrive today, proof of which is the fact that his physical image is one of the most easily recognizable—not to mention profitable—images in American culture. Other people imitate the way he looks, talks and sings. Various American television shows have sought to incorporate his profile into their episodes, from cartoons to comedy acts (Duffett, p. 396). There are hundreds of debates about the influence of Elvis Presley, yet not one of them can deny the fact that he and his music changed many different things about the public’s perception of rock and roll which, at this point in time, still linger. Works Cited Duffett, Mark. â€Å"Caught in a Trap? Beyond Pop Theory’s ‘Butch’ Construction of Male Elvis Fans. † Popular Music 20. 3 (2001): 395-408. Fink, Robert. â€Å"Elvis Everywhere: Musicology and Popular Music Studies at the Twilight of the Canon. † American Music 16. 2 (1998): 135-79. Inglis, Ian. â€Å"Ideology, Trajectory Stardom: Elvis Presley the Beatles. † International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 27. 1 (1996): 53-78.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

William Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, is mainly based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. The various men who happened to object to his assassination had different personal desires for their actions. Depending on each of their actions, words or even tone of voice they may misrepresent them and may be misinterpreted. Brutus, Cassius, and Antony had motives for their actions. I will explain what each of them stood to gain from the death of Caesar. Brutus, servant and close friend to Caesar, has a strong relationship with Caesar but a stronger relationship with Rome and it people. Brutus was a very noble man. He tries to justify the death of Caesar but he can not get the thought of cold-blooded murder out of his mind. One of the reasons Brutus would conspire against Caesar is that he loved the Roman people more than Caesar. Brutus was the head of the conspiracy because the Romans respected his judgement and loyalty to the Roman Empire. If he would have loved Caesar more than Rome's people he never would have killed Caesar for the Roman people. Cassius is the most significant character for his ability to perceive the true motives of the characters. Cassius thinks the nobility of Rome is responsible for the government of Rome. Cassius strongly dislikes Caesar personally. He sees Brutus as the person that will unite the nobles in the conspiracy. Cassius tries to use Brutus to achieve his goal. His main goal is to remove Caesar from power by using his persuasive speaking. Antony first appears in the play as a devoted follower of Caesar. He is also one of the great triumvirs. When he gains permission to speak at Caesar's funeral he undermines the public confidence to seize the power of Rome. In his speech at the capitol he concentrates on Brutus and appeals to the emotions of the people of Rome. At the end of the play, he publicly glorifies Brutus in order to heal the public's wounds caused by the loss of Brutus, Cassius, and Caesar.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Business, government and society Essay

Business, government and society – all 3 are inter-related with each other. Things remain unchanged for all companies. Robi is not different from that. Govt. is a system through which policies and rules are made and implemented for the society. Society is a network of human relation. Consumer of a product comes from the society and govt. is a part of total social system. Robi and other telephone operators company once decided that they will close the access of new company in the market. So they gave money to some powerful person of govt. So, now new comp can’t access in the telecom market. Robi’s consumer – who belongs to the society are confined in these old telecom companies. They are also disturbed over the government and Robi. That’s how Robi, govt. and society are inter-related. There are four models of BGS relationship: 1. Market Capitalism Model 3. Dominance Model 2. Dynamic Force Model 4. Stakeholders Model Robi stands in Dominance Model. Robi and other 4 companies are all of the telecom market. No new competitor can come here. Robi and other 4 companies with the help of government control the market. A company’s stakeholders are those who can affect and affected by the operations of that company. If it is done directly they are the internal stakeholders and if it is done indirectly they are the external stakeholders. Robi’s internal stakeholders are its Board of directors, Managers, Employees and all the people who have direct influence over the firm’s action. External stakeholders are Customer, Government, Potential buyers, Competitors etc. A Board of Directors of Robi can easily change its operations and if Robi losses he will be responsible for that. Robi changes its packages according to its customer choice, otherwise they will not use Robi. Business Environment of Robi: Every company has its own environment. There are two types of environment, external and internal. As the method Robi has the maximum control over its internal environment and has no or less control over its external environment. Now Robi needs to know the environment for its strategic planning and to create link with society. Its environment depends on their strength like technology, law, social responsibilities, government, and local competition over telecom business. Robi is a mobile operator in Bangladesh which concentrates on offering GSM communication services for private and corporate customer. Their intention is to promote the wireless lifestyle -the complete mobile society. And that is their mission. Their structure based on the services they provide like internet and mobile networks. And their resources are international server and national networking system through which their system process is running. Robi’s management includes their all employees, board of director, owners and key stakeholders etc. is maintaining the culture of this company. And these are inter-related to each other to make their internal environment. In the sense of environment, through better technologies than other telecom companies Robi try to attract more customers. Robi take care of all labor force and suppliers to create a link in society by abiding the government policy. And that’s there external environments. Robi is jointed with a foreign company. So we can assume that government has given them an entry to our market. And letting them doing business here. So it’s a governmental or political environment of this company. This company is profiting day by day. This money comes from us and that changes our economy. So they have clear connection with this economical issue which is their economical environment. Consumers of this company are enjoying cheap rates and good network. So, more people are finding attraction. The attitude and behavior is changing slightly. That is how the society is working for the company as its environment. The one most important part of this company is technology. Telecom companies are depended on technology. Good server and network is their main key to maximizing their profit. But technology changes very fast. So, the company has to keep pace with their technological environment. This company also obsessed with natural environment like bad weather, bad network. Business Power of Robi: Power is the force or strength that can change something. Business power is the Strength of business that can change a society. Robi made its sim card and call rate more cheep. So, more people are using Robi now. There are different types of business power and that do different changes. When Robi reduces its call rate, people talk more over telephone. Their expenses for telephone increase. This is creates economical change. Robi sponsors various cultural programs on various occasions. So, these programs are regaining its lost glory. Thus Robi makes cultural change. Robi is introducing new services like- mobile ticketing, 4G, internet services etc. through their technology. This technological power is making our life more easy. After the availability of mobile phone people talk so much over phone. Robi is changing our habit by giving special offers and talktimes. There are also various power inside Robi like – political power, positional power, coercive power, reward power etc.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Explore the Ways Strong Feelings About Love Are Presented

Poems are commonly used to convey strong feelings about the true nature of love. However, these feelings can take many different shapes which articulate positive as well as negative perceptions of love. The four poems that embody these different features are ‘Hour’ by Carol Ann Duffy, ‘Sonnet 116’ by William Shakespeare, ‘In Paris with you’ by James Fenton and ‘Quickdraw’ by Carol Ann Duffy. Two poems that share similar feelings about love are ‘in Paris with you' and ‘Quickdraw' as they both explore the theme of conflict and emotional pain instigated by love.Fenton makes it clear in the first stanza that the speaker has been hurt in the past, claiming that he was ‘one of your talking wounded' which is a pun on the phrase ‘walking wounded'. However, this phrase is pursued by a. Use of neologism ‘maroonded' which serves to create an apparent carefree tone carried on through-out the poem. However, as the p oem progresses it becomes apparent that the light-hearted mood hides a deeper subtext and is a cover for the speaker's true feelings.Similarly Duffy makes use of an extended metaphor ‘a western stand-off', using the slightly chilidish image to to conceal her true feelings and the more serious emotional pain which results from love. She makes use of lexical choices from the semantic field of battle or a western style stand-off â€Å"guns, trigger, Sheriff, last chance saloon† to reflect how she is feeling in the relationship as well as avoiding the reality of the issue. Despite the light-hearted tones of the poems, the reader's attention is drawn to the subtle darker subtexts which reveal the speakers' true feelings in both poems.Fenton indirectly adresses the speakers true feelings about love by using an ambiguous phrase ‘in paris with you' repetitively. However, towards the end of the poem it soon becomes clear that â€Å"paris† is a euphemism for love. Lo ve is really what the speajer is trying to convey but in a cautious way clearly due to a phobia of rejection or further emotional pain experienced in previous loving relationships. Duffy makes the speakers feelings know in a slightly indirect way as well by the use of enjambment in the phrase ‘you blast me†¦ hrough the heart', the sudden break in the line highlights the effect te lovers words have on the speaker by enabling through ‘through the heart' to stand alone consequently stand out. With ‘heart', being the main of love and ‘blast', related to warfare, being married together, they significantly emphasize the true pain the speaker is experiencing from the lovers' use of weaponry ‘your voice a pellet' as well as a real depth of her vulnerability. In addition, the two poems make use of structure to convey their strong feelings about love to the reader by manipulating the form and layout of the poems.Duffy uses sonnet structure in ‘quickdra w', which is a structure traditionally used for romantic poetry. A sonnet consists of 4 stanzas, each stanza containing four lines, also known as a quatrain which are reminiscent of Shakespeare. However, the sonnet structure in ‘Quickdraw' doesn't quite reflect the common structure of a sonnet as it is brocken up by the use of enjambment and caesuras ‘blast me (stanza 2)†¦ throught the heart (stanza 3)' and ‘another one's(stanza 3)†¦ oncealed(stanza 4)' which can be enterpreted in different ways, perhaps it is used to symbolize the breakdown of communication in the relationship or maybe it was used to highlight important words. ‘Quickdraw' is also wiritten in free verse, so there is no order to the poem as a result it is effective as it replicates the subject of a western ‘stand-off' or ‘showdown' which similarly have no order to them and are generally chaotic. Correspondingly, ‘in paris with you' is also manipulated so that the st ructure and form of the poem emphasizes certain elements of the relationship.The third stanza is indented and contains nine lines as opposed to the other stanza's which contain five lines. The evident change in structure in stanza 3 is imposed to highlight the speaker's rejection of all the cliches of love by using colloquial language ‘can we say sod off to the sodding Notre Dame', which juxtaposes the classic image if Paris:the city of love. Therefore, an idea of the speaker's clear fear of having to commit theirself to a relationship, after being ‘bamboozled' by the ‘mess' of the previous ones, is suggested.Nonetheless, despite the speakers in both poems' reluctance to admit the emotional pain and conflict they are suffering, the true extent of their feelings towards their lovers is made very clear by their poignant last lines. â€Å"In paris with you† ends with the speaker directly adressing their subject of their affection by saying ‘I'm in Paris w ith you', thereby making it clear to the reader that they are in fact ‘In love with you' if you replace ‘paris' with ‘love'.The phrase is repeated several times through-out the poem and suggest that no matter how much the speaker denies their feelings, they are unable to hide them. The extra line in stanza 5 suggests the speaker is breaking free of their old thoughts about love and opening up to new ones. Similarly the speaker in â€Å"quickdraw† ends the poem with the ambiguous phrase â€Å"take this†¦ and this†¦ and this†.The breakdown of language and the use of ellipsis and repetition could be interpreted in different ways, it could suggest that the speaker has been left defensless against the blows of her lover. Alternatively it could be that she finally succumbed to her feelings and is showering her partner with kisses as the bullets are described as ‘silver', so precious and expensive. The last lines of Quickdraw are effective as they are very much open to interpretation so the reader is left with different ideas about how the speaker is feelings.Conclusively, the strong feelings about love presented in â€Å"In Paris with you† and â€Å"Quickdraw† are highly interesting and evocative with Duffy's use of extended metaphors and Fenton's use of repetition and euphemism. Both of the speaker's ability to get the reader to empathise with them indicates the clear effectiveness of the poem's language, structure and context. The layered deeper meanings and subtexts, hidden beneath the light-hearted tones of the poems, are especially effective.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The theory behind Reaganomics essays

The theory behind Reaganomics essays The theory behind Reaganomics was sound, but when applied in real life its consequences are still present more than ten years after the fact. The tax cuts applied early in Reagan's first term cemented the ideology for what the next eight years of his reign would uphold. The Economic Recovery Tax Act would cut taxes roughly twenty five percent over a three-year period. The ideology of Reagan's administration quickly received supporters of what he was doing. Entailed in these tax cuts were reductions in welfare programs which was also a popular idea amongst Reaganites. But what is puzzling is that David Stockman held a large portion of the truth of these tax cuts from Reagan and the public. What would occur with the ERTA was a substantial deficit. This deficit was not the intent of Reagan. Reagan's intent was that the tax cuts would allow the public to have more money. This additional money which would have otherwise been spent on taxes was supposed to be put back in the economy by the people. The ability of people to now spend more on homes, cars and other goods would boost the prosperity of the economy. But Stockman had a theory of his own. He saw that this deficit would force Congress to make cuts of its own on social programs. Stockman with held this information from the public and from Reagan so that when Congress would reallocate funding, it would avoid giving it to social programs. Stockman's theory does not make sense with the political views of the time. If Reagan and the public were in favor of cutbacks on the welfare system, why would Stockman with hold this information from a population who was in favor of the result? Stockman was an intelligent man who for some time worked in the House of Representatives and had connections to many people in Washington. He served as the budget director for the Reagan Administration. As budget director, his intentions were to acquire a balanced budget by the next t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Spanish Phrases That Refer to Foods

Spanish Phrases That Refer to Foods Just because a Spanish phrase includes a word for a type of food doesnt mean it has anything to do with food - just as the phrase eye candy isnt meant to satisfy a sweet tooth. Below are more than a dozen examples of such phrases and idioms. Note that many of the translations arent literal but are colloquial, as are most of the Spanish phrases. Chocolate (Chocolate) In English, you may give a foe a taste of her own medicine, but in Spanish you can give her soup made from her own chocolate, sopa de su propio chocolate. There is also a Spanish equivalent of the medicine metaphor, una cuchara de su propia medicina, a spoon of her own medicine. Los Mets le dieron a los Cachorros sopa de su propio chocolate al barrerles la serie de cuatro juegos. (The Mets gave the Cachorros a taste of their own medicine by sweeping the series in four games.) Harina (Flour) Ser harina de otro  costal, to be the wheat from a different bag, means to be something unrelated to what is being discussed. La carrera de Cameron hoy est en riesgo, pero eso es harina de otro costal. (Camerons career is at risk today, but thats another matter entirely.) Jugo (Juice) To remove the juice from someone, sacar el jugo a alguien, or remove the juice from something, sacar el jugo a algo, is to get the greatest benefit from a person, thing, or activity. El entrenador le saca el jugo a los jugadores. (The coach gets the most out of his players.) Lechuga (Lettuce) Someone who is fresco como una lechuga (fresh as a head of lettuce) is someone who is healthy, alert and in control of him- or herself. Possible similar phrases in English include cool as a cucumber and fresh as a daisy. Estaba fresca como una lechuga, sonriente y dispuesta a hablar con quien se le acercara. (She was all ready to go, smiling and inclined to speak with anyone who approached her.) Manzana (Apple) A bone of contention, something that becomes the focus of a dispute, is a manzana de (la) discordia, an apple of discord. The phrase comes from the Golden Apple of Discord in Greek mythology. Siria es la manzana de la discordia en las negociaciones de paz. (Syria is the sticking point in the peace negotiations.) Pan (Bread) We think of someone in prison as living on bread and water, a pan y agua. In Spanish, the phrase often refers to a strict diet, and sometimes to other types of hardships or deprivations. Si llevas un tiempo a pan y agua, intenta no pensar en ello y busca tu placer de otro modo. (If you spend some time deprived, try not to think about it and seek your pleasure in some other way.) Que con su pan se lo coma (roughly, let him eat it with his bread) is one way of expressing indifference to someones plight. I dont care, is a possible translation, although context can suggest many others. Hay muchos hoteles que no se permite la entrada con nià ±os. Quien elige un hotel para familias, que con su pan se lo coma. (There are many hotels that dont allow children. I dont have any sympathy for someone who picks a family-oriented hotel.) Ser pan comido (to be eaten bread) is to be extremely easy. Similar food phrases in English are to be a piece of cake or to be as easy as pie. Con nuestro software, recuperar un servidor de correo electà ³nico es pan comido. (With our software, restoring an email server is a piece of cake.) Someone born with a silver spoon in her mouth can be said to nacer con un pan bajo el brazo, born with a loaf of bread under her arm. El presidente no entiende  la gente. Fue nacido con un pan bajo el brazo. (The president doesnt understand the people. He was born born with a silver spoon in his mouth.) Pera (Pear) A candied pear, pera en dulce, is a thing or person that is widely seen as desirable. Mis padres terminaron de convertir su casa antigua en una pera en dulce. (My parents finished converting their old house into a gem.) If something is old, it is del aà ±o de la pera, from the year of the pear. No son compatibles con esta tà ©cnologà ­a, que es del aà ±o de la pera. (They arent compatible with this technology, which is as old as the hills.) Taco (Taco) Taco de ojo, meaning eye taco, is used primarily in Mexico and has a meaning similar to eye candy, especially when it refers to someone with sex appeal. As in the following sentence, it is often combined with the verb echar, which by itself usually means throw. Estas pelà ­culas de Netflix estn buenà ­simas para echarte un taco de ojo con los actores que salen. (These Netflix movies are excellent for tossing you eye candy with the actors who perform.) Trigo (Wheat) No ser trigo limpio, to not be clean wheat, is said of a person who is dishonest, creepy, shady, unreliable, or otherwise suspicious. The same phrase is used less frequently for things that seem suspicious or fishy. Recibà ­ un SMS de mi hermano: Cuidado con esa chica, no es trigo limpio. (I received a text message from my brother: Be careful with that girl. Shes bad news.) Uva (Grape) To have a bad grape, tener mala uva, is to be in a bad mood. The same can be said of someone with bad intentions. Tener mala leche (to have bad milk) can be used in the same way. La que tenà ­a mala uva era Patricia. (The one in a bad mood was Patricia.)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Immigration Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Immigration Reform - Essay Example For instance, the statement made by President Barrack Obama gave a clear indication that immigration reforms was a weighty issues that required adequate deliberation for the sake of the U.S. global competitiveness. The US government has noted that Mexico border has acted as an entry point of illegal immigrants in the United (Grossmann 193). In my opinion, immigration reform would change the face of United States labor market. Immigration reform debate seeks to identify amicable methods of solving immigration problems in the United States. Immigrants willing to come into America for whatever reasons should seek a Visa. This is the requirement provided by the immigration laws of the United States of America. Notably, many immigrants that come to United States seek this process. However, after stepping into the United States, some fail to show up to the authority after the expiry of their visas. The second category of immigrants that United States house, are immigrants who illegally cross the border of Mexico. The third category of immigrants is those who have followed legal channel to get into the United States, and are in the United States legally. These categories make immigration reform a complex issue, which requires policies which argue on a broad spectrum. Arguably, solution to the immigration problem lies on proper policies that aim at bettering the current immigration situation (Coates 40). Social contract perspective argues in favor of the role of the government and the relationship that exists between the government and its subject (Stacy 123). The role of government in instituting policies that guide immigration reforms is quite elaborate in this perspective. In representative governance, a body that governs a particular segment of the society must take charge as per the mandate bestowed upon it. In this case, the body charged with the reform agenda has to weigh the gravity of the issue and recommend or execute

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Adebat about can any one be an entrepreneur including with the Essay

Adebat about can any one be an entrepreneur including with the strength about it and proving them also weaknesses and prove it - Essay Example 3) The acceptance of failure or risk. From the economist’s point of view, an entrepreneur is an individual who brings together labor, resources, materials and other valuable assets into a combined form that brings out a value that is greater than before. An entrepreneur can also be defined as person who introduces innovations, changes, and some form of new order. The psychologist says that such individuals are driven certain internal forces of the urge to attain or obtain something, to accomplish, to experiment, or just to escape the authority of other individuals. To a business person, an entrepreneur will be treated as a threat or an aggressive competitor. Again to the same business person, an entrepreneur can be a benefiting factor as one can become a business ally, customer, supplier or creator of wealth to others. An entrepreneur can also be seen as a person who is finding better ways to reduce waste, utilize resources or produce jobs to those who are jobless. Entrepreneurship is also seen as a dynamical process of producing an increment of wealth (Casson, 2008). This wealth is frequently created by the people who take an assumption to some significant risks in terms of time, equity. However, these definitions will tend to view the entrepreneur from different perspectives, but they have similar notions about organizing, newness, wealth, creating, novelty and the risk taking. Each definition is sometimes restrictive because entrepreneurs are found in all professions such as education, law, research, engineering, social work, medicine, distribution and government. Entrepreneurship is a means of creating new things with some added value by devoting the required effort and resources. At the same time assuming psychic, social risks, financial and acceptance of the results of the monetary rewards and the personal independence and satisfaction. The definition of the entrepreneur stresses four

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare the housing bubble in US and in China & how can Chinese Essay

Compare the housing bubble in US and in China & how can Chinese government learn from US - Essay Example My goal in this paper is to do a comparative study of the housing bubble in both U.S and China. China has experienced extraordinary growth in the housing market in the recent past; as a result, there has been a substantial increase in residential property. Nevertheless, while accelerating house prices in china may help indicate the presence of the bubble, its existence is still very controversial. Arguably, the current housing boom can be a rational bubble arising naturally from China’s economic transition. With the $580-billion stimulus package injected in 2008, just before the financial crises hit U.S, China’s economy has been able to withstand the global economic meltdown. The stimulus led to banks loosening their lending rate; hence there was excessive lending to home purchasers and thus rapidly raising the housing prices. Unfortunately, should the prices fall, there would be an increase in nonperforming loans and this would trigger china’s housing bubble. In U.S the housing bubble is believed to have been driven mainly by historically low interest rates. However, the low-interest rates, on their own, could not have caused the bubble and these have led to formulation of so many explanations and theories to try and explain what happened. According to (Holt) the correlation between housing price growth and subprime lending across market indicated that the lender took so much risk in booming markets thus increasing to even more the market demand. The meltdown in the housing market consequently, yielded to the devastating financial crisis. Evidently, the effects are still visible and the residential market In U.S is still on the road to recovery, with home prices yet to return to their historical high. Development of housing bubbles follows irrational exuberance for continuous rise of house prices. In the development of U.S Housing bubble, there was a rapid

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Health Promotion in Nursing: Child Obesity Interventions

Health Promotion in Nursing: Child Obesity Interventions This essay will explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes nurses need for health promotion. In the last decade health promotion has been a significant part of health policy in the UK (Piper, 2009). For instance the Department of Health (DOH) policies: Choosing Health (DOH, 2004) and Better Information, Better Choices, Better Health (DOH, 2007), both highlight health promotion as a main concern in health service (Piper, 2009). Nurses have a significant part in reducing the effect of disease, promoting health and function (RCN, 2012). The NMC (2008) states that health promotion is a key aspect of the nursing profession and one they are required to undertake in practise. Health promotion is a procedure which helps people to enhance their health and have control over it (WHO, 1985). Tones (1987) describes health promotion as â€Å"any strategic measure which aids health or averts illness, disability and pre-mature death.† Health promotion aims to enhance ones skills and abilities in order to take action, and in the volume of a group or community to work mutually to place control over determinants of health and attain positive change (WHO, 1978). Health promotion is essential in child nursing as anything which affects a child’s health during childhood may have an effect on adulthood (Moyse, 2009). In order to provide effective health promotion nurses must have the correct skills, knowledge and attitudes (Cole, 2008). Having the right knowledge, skills and attitude allows nurses to implement successful health promotion, consequently making a positive effect on the patients’ life, health and wellbeing (Cole Porter, 2008). Child nurses delivering public health are working to establish opportunities for children to live positive healthy lives, by influencing public policies and via health promotion (RCN, 2007). However to ensure this nurses need knowledge (Risjord, 2011). For example having knowledge on various health conditions is vital for nurses, as they spend a significant amount of time with service users, thus nurses are usually the first source for information when service users want find out about a certain health condition (Risjord, 2011). In relation to tackling child obesity nurses will need knowledge about obesity to carry out successful health promotion (Bagchi, 2010). Grimmet et al (2010) found that parents and children either have inadequate or no knowledge on obesity and the severity of it. This suggests that there is lack of awareness on child obesity. Moyse states that nurses must offer guidance and lifestyle education each time they are in contact with service users. Working with the child’s family is vital as it will allow nurses to identify misunderstandings families have about: exercise, food consumption, and health matters (Moyse, 2009). This shows knowledge is vital when delivering health promotion as nurses can help both child and parent come to terms with health issues via education and advice. Having knowledge on health epidemiology will be vital for nurses in health promotion as if offers a depiction of current health conditions amid children thus highlighting areas which require priority. Currently in the UK 33% of boys and 30% of girls aged 2-15 years are obese (Health Survey for England, 2012). Since 1995-2006 the obesity rate has increased from 14% to 25% for boys and from 15% to 27% for girls. Obesity rates in boys aged 2-10 increased from 11% in 1995 to 17% in 2006 and girls 10% in girls to 12% in 2006 (Health Survey for England, 2012). Being aware of the prevalence and incidence of child obesity will allow nurses to identify: preventative approaches, monitor secular trends and allow nurses to recognise groups at risk (Naidoo Willis, 2009). Nurses need to have knowledge about a child’s psychological, social, physical and intellectual development. The Children Act (2004) states this as an obligation for all child practitioners involved in children’s health, protection and welfare. Being aware of child development is a significant step towardsunderstanding what establishes children’swellbeing, safety and promoting and maintaining wellbeing (DOH, 2012). This ensures that holistic care is given to the child as it considers all aspects of child’s health. In relation to childhood obesity child development is a vital aspect when delivering health promotion as it will help the nurse to identify how the child’s development is affected due to obesity and the implications caused by it, but most importantly it allows the nurse to identify how this can be altered to improve the child’s health (reference). Having evidence based knowledge is vital in health promotion, the NMC (2008) states that nurses must use evidence based practise to deliver excellent care and to ensure patient needs are met. In relation to child obesity nurses can acquire evidence based knowledge about obesity by reviewing literature this will offer understanding of key research, initiatives, interventions, and policy which are all key in implementing care for obese children  (Porter Cole, 2008). Having knowledge on health promotion theories and models will be beneficial for nurses as they underpin the application of health promotion. Theory can help implement health promotion in various ways (Nutbeam Harris, 2010). Models and theories offer a better understanding of health problem being addressed. They also explain the needs and motivations of the target population and offer suggestions in how to alter health status, health behaviour and their detriments. Health promotion models and theories also offer approaches and measures utilised to monitor the programmes and problems (Nutbeam Harris, 2010). In relation to child obesity nurses may use the nursing process, which has the following stages: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. For instance the child will be assessed to identify child’s health needs as basis for care implementation. For the diagnosis the child’s weight and height may be measured, this will allow the nurse to identify if the child is obese by comparing the results to the national body mass index percentile, for children. Nurses may also have a consultation with parents to identify what may be contributing to child being obese. For planning nurses may devise a care plan for the child consisting of planned actions which are suitable for child’s needs i.e. regular exercise, balance diet or decreasing calorie intake to a sensible amount. For the implementation stage nurses will help the child to implement actions from the care plan e.g. food diary to help reduce calorie intake to recommended amount, encouraging the child and family to do 30 minutes of exercise per day or increasing healthier food choices. For the evaluation stage the nurse and child or family, will assess if the interventions were effective and if not how actions can be improved to ensure patients’ needs are met. Nurses need knowledge on health inequalities as the UK government has identified health inequalities as a key public health issue (DOH, 2013). Child obesity can be considered as a health inequality, as the National Child Measurement Programme, found high obesity rates amid 5 and 12 year olds were linked to increased socioeconomic deprivation (NCMP, 2010). The Healthy Lives Healthy People policy (DOH, 2010) aims to reduce health inequalities and increase opportunities by offering various services for both family and children. The policy stresses the significance of giving children a healthy start in life, it sets goals for the Healthy Child Programme, health visitors, and the Family Nurse Partnership and demonstrates how this contributes to the public health priority of promoting good health and wellbeing (DOH, 2010). Nurses play a key role in this policy by improving health and opportunities for children and young people via health promoting initiatives. For instance it aims to tackle child obesity by educating parents on healthy eating, and exercise. To achieve this nurses will need knowledge on the factors of health inequalities and health promotion methods which can be utilised to aid children and their parents to avert infirmity, injury and mortality (Moyse, 2009). Skills There is a vast range of skills used in health promotion to tackle public health issues. One of them is having the skill to collaborate with others. Brammer, (2007) states that effective support for families and children cannot be attained by a sole agency. Thus nurses must cooperate with others when delivering health promotion, to meet child’s needs. The DOH, states that NHS staff collaborate with each other in effective teams and that partnership is vital in implementing care to patients (DOH, 2006). Acheson suggests that in order to help people lead independent lives inter-professional collaboration is required to encourage public agencies to adapt services to individuals needs and to promote choice along with independence (Acheson, 1999). In relation child obesity nurses can collaborate with others to tackle environmental challenges, as it’s an area where nurses have less input. The environment consists of: physical, cultural, social and economic environment which are needed for one to make lifestyle modifications (Davis, 2007). Via inter-professional collaboration within multidisciplinary team or with agencies for example with nutritionists, schools, religious representatives, fitness and leisure centres and community food personnel environment barriers can be tackled (Mosytn, 2005). Family culture and social life can be modified by motivating the family to embrace a healthier lifestyle, hence resulting in a positive environment for modification (Davis, 2007). Having communications skills is crucial in health promotion (Webb, 2011). Wills et al (2007) found that nurses had to recognise how individuals acquire information, how information is exchanged effectively, how individuals make choices regarding their health and understand the way in which communities alter. In relation to child obesity, communicating with parents creates cornerstone of intervention to address the issue of child being obese. When communication is carried out correctly the foundation for working in partnership with obese children and their family can be formed and nurtured (Mikhailovich Morrison, 2007). Having the skill to deliver family centred care is a key aspect in health promotion, as families have a crucial part in ensuring the health and well-being of children and young people (Moyse, 2009). The National Service Framework (DOH, 2004) has guidelines which emphasis on health promotion and assisting families with education and resources from birth to adulthood. The guidelines ask for high quality care to promote and safeguard children and young people. By implementing family centred care nurses allow the formation of partnership with the child’s family in the pursuit of being amenable to the priorities and necessities of the family and child (Bowden Greenberg, 2011). Family centred care beneficial in delivery of health promotion as it improves care, allows successful distribution of resources, and satisfies both family and patient (Bowden Greenberg, 2011). In relation to child obesity optimal care is delivered by adopting family centred care, where care and advice is offered to both family and child to allow concordance. Having the skill to empower patients is vital, Tones Tilford (2001) argue that empowerment is most crucial feature of health promotion. In relation to child obesity empowering the young person to manage their health while satisfying their needs is vital. Empowerment has been recognised as key concept in encouraging healthy eating and exercise (Cochran, 2008). Attitudes To achieve effective health promotion nurses must encompass health promoting attitudes and demonstrate respect for all patients. Empathy is a crucial attitude in health promotion, McQueen (2005) states that empathy refers to being able to understand the patient’s behaviour and feelings. Malloch (2001) suggests that empathy forms trust and allows care to be negotiated, implemented and evaluated efficiently. The NMC, (2008) also states nurses need to be able deliver care with empathy. In relation to child obesity empathy is a key attitude as the DOH (2010) states that nurses must be empathetic with families when dealing with sensitive issue like child obesity. Being compassionate is vital when delivering health promotion as the DOH (2010) states that compassion forms the basis of care via through relationships formed on respect, dignity and empathy. Being non-judgmental is vital in health promotion, as the NMC (2008) states that care must be given in a universal, non-judgmental, kind and sensitive manner that avoids assumptions. Being a motivational is a key attitude nurses will require as it helps patients feel confident, thus making a desired health action more achievable Fisher, (2013). Harter suggests that patients will be motivated when they perceive themselves as being confident however if one feels they are not capable of fulfilling an action they are less likely to do it. Thus having a motivational attitude is vital as it increases patient’s self-esteem and prompts patients to take action on their health. Conclusion This essay has explored why nurses need skills, knowledge and attitude to deliver health promotion and how this can be used to tackle child obesity.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Disease and Death :: History Journal Diary Essays

Disease and Death May 14th 1963: The jungles of Zaire are much more intimidating and humbling in person than in the brochure at the Peace Corps office. I have been dispatched here to assist in the quarantine and treatment of the locals and some wild life. While I am overcome with the beauty of the flora I can't help but ponder the sheer amount of insects and mosquitoes that this sort of environment can support... After a 5 hour bus ride into the forest we come to a clearing with clusters of lean-tos and make shift buildings. What once was a clearing for farm animals to graze and to grow crops is now a make shift graveyard and apparently the process of burying the dead has become too much of a burden on the bereaved and a funeral pyre burns day in and day out. The air of the village hangs low with the stench of death and burnt flesh while the wailing of those that have survived, thus far, greet the ears of the volunteers. The doctors have already set up a make shift hospital in the largest of the buildings and the volunteers are shown to the quarters and are expected to work right alongside the doctors as an informal nurse. May 15th 1963: I have estimated that the population of the village before the outbreak of this plague was roughly 500-750 inhabitants with an equal population of livestock. It appears that the cattle were afflicted first and were promptly skinned and burnt. The disease then ran its course into the herdsmen who were responsible for disposing of the cattle. The first case occurred a month ago when one of the skinners nicked a finger while skinning. As I gathered, from the translator who has been interviewing people since his arrival two weeks ago, that at first people thought the man just to have a common cold and headache but after a few days his eyes were filled with blood and he became hot to the touch. Then the skin became horribly bruised as if he had suffered some sort of terrible flogging. As the disease progressed his fever steadily increased seeming to cook him alive and the bruises filled with what one could only imagine as his own wretched blood trying to escape the b ody housing it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Theory Paper

Personality Theory Paper Sherry Richards PSYCH 504 April 8, 2013 Shawn Davis Ph. D. Personality Theory Paper The film Rudy is about a young man from a blue-collar family who wants to play football for Notre Dame, with less than stellar grades, and no money for college Rudy goes to work at the steel mill where his father works. Then things all changed when his best friend was killed in an explosion, Rudy decides to follow his dream. That dream of attending Notre Dame and playing on the football team of the Fighting Irish. He fails to get admitted after leaving for the campus of Notre Dame.He obtains the assistance and sponsorship from a local priest and starts at a small junior college called Holy Cross College; this is to get grades good enough to allow for a transfer so he hopes. After befriending a graduate student and the teaching assistant at the junior college D-Bob, they strike a deal that Rudy will help him meet girls in exchange for the toutoring that he will provided. D-Bob has Rudy tested and find out that dyslexia which was a big part of the learning issues and Rudy then learns how to overcome this disability and becomes a better student.Rudy continues to bomb out with setting up D-Bob until a girl set him up with Elsa. At Christmas when Rudy goes home, the family mocks him and his ambition to get into the college and play football. Once back at school when finally receives the approval for the transfer to Notre Dame, from the junior college, he runs home to tell the family. His father tells everyone via the loudspeaker at the steel mill. Rudy goes to the stadium groundskeeper and offers to work at no charge after not accepted into the college. Since Rudy has no other place, he utilizes the office cot.By using the window to come and go until the groundskeeper realizes this and eventually comes around to liking Rudy and even gives him his own key, Rudy returns once he is accepted into Notre Dame on the last semester transfer. Even though he walks on t he field as a non-scholarship player for the team, the coach tells Rudy that even the scholarship players will not make the dress roster of the players who are on the field during the football games. One thing that the coach notices is that Rudy has more drive than many of the other members of the team that are there on scholarship.Coach Parseghian agrees to allow Rudy to dress for one home game, as it is senior year, so his family and friends can see him on the team. There was a change in coaches and then Rudy was not on the roster for the next to last game so he quit the team. The groundskeeper whose name is Fortune tells Rudy that he will regret it as he will never have the chance again. Therefore, this convinces him to return to the team. The team captain and a senior stand up for Rudy and request that Rudy be allowed to dress for the final game and many say that he can wear their number, as they will not play so he can.The result is the final game that is at home when he will b e allowed to play. Rudy gets to lead the team out of the tunnel and onto the field and he gets onto the official roster of the Notre Dame Football team. Rudy is in for the final play, he tackles the other teams quarterback, and the team carries him off the field on their shoulders. Karen Horney psychoanalytical social theory believes that the childhood experiences are the biggest social and cultural conditions that shape the personality. In this situation, I feel that Rudy would be neurotic search for glory. He is determined to be on the team and be on the field.This to me is a dream yes, but also wanting to search for pride and glory. Horney stressed culture and that it cannot be ignored when working with people. According to the western culture as she saw it that the society demand for success and achievement are almost endless so that normal people have new, additional goals put to them all the time and that with hard work and effort with no regard to the social position, competi tiveness of others or genetics. She believes that childhood is where the majority of the neurotic problems come from. And that without the genuine warmth and affection there are debilitating personal problems.The drive that Rudy shows according to her is due to a neurosis, just because he wants this does not mean that he was not treated right as a child it is a dream and he ended up making it real. Abraham Maslow suggested a hierarchy of needs that illustrate a process of attaining self-actuation through fulfillment of a succession of needs from basic psychobiological needs to important psychological needs (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). The sixteen-personality factor model developed by Cattell, was developed utilizing the work of previous scientists in the field. The esire to have descriptors of low range and high range which then gave the primary factor. The primary factors for Rudy I believe would be social boldness as he wants what he wants and works to find a way to get in the high r ange and high side of self-reliance. He wants to play for the Notre Dame team in his senior year. He with the help of his sponsor start out in a junior college and make it to the college he wishes to be at, then he works to overcome obstacles which are his size and weight to be on the team. He through help of other teammates gets into the last home game of the season and has several accomplishments.The first he leads the team onto the field at the beginning of the game so that his friends and family see him in the Notre Dame uniform, then he sacks the quarterback in the last play of the game and the teammates carry him off the field on their shoulders in celebration. The factors that drive Rudy I feel is the dream he seeks to make real and he does that regardless of obstacles that are there for him, such as poor academics, height, and weight. Works Cited Bohart, D. A. (2013, March 16). Legal, Ethical, and professional Issues in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Retrieved from academ yprojects. org: http://www. cademyprojects. org/alternatives. htm Cervone, & Pervin. (2010). Personality: Theory and research (11th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. DeSouse, A. (2011). Freudian theory and consciousness: A concptual analysis. Brain, Mind and Consciousness: An International, Interdisciplinary Perspective, 210-217. helpguide. (2013, March 25). phobias and fears: symptoms, treatment, and self-help. Retrieved from helpguide. org: www. helpguide. org/mental/phobia_symptoms_types_treatment. htm Institute of Medicine (US). (2006). Committee on Assessing Interactions Among Social, Behavior, and genetic Factors in Health. Washingtonm D. C. , US.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Abstract of 3D Internet 

Abstract  of 3D Internet Also known as virtual worlds, the  3D Internet  is a powerful new way for you to reach consumers, business customers, co-workers, partners, and students. It combines the immediacy of television, the versatile content of the Web, and the relationship-building strengths of social networking sites like  Face book  . Yet unlike the passive experience of television, the  3D Internet  is inherently interactive and engaging. Virtual worlds provide immersive 3D experiences that replicate (and in some cases exceed) real life. People who take part in virtual worlds stay online longer with a heightened level of interest.To take advantage of that interest, diverse businesses and organizations have claimed an early stake in this fast-growing market. They include technology leaders such as  IBM, Microsoft, and Cisco, companies such as BMW, Toyota , Circuit City , Coca Cola, and Calvin Klein, and scores of universities, including Harvard, Stanford and Penn S tate . Introduction of  3D Internet The success of 3D communities and mapping applications, combined with the falling costs of producing 3D environments, are leading some analysts to predict that a dramatic shift is taking place in the way people see and navigate the Internet.The appeal of 3D worlds to consumers and vendors lies in the level of immersion that the programsoffer. The experience of interacting with another character in a 3D environment, as opposed to a screen name or a flat image, adds new appeal to the act of socializing on the Internet. Advertisements in Microsoft's Virtual Earth  3D mapping  application are placed as billboards and signs on top of buildings, blending in with the application's urban landscapes. 3D worlds also hold benefits beyond simple social interactions.Companies that specialize in interior design or furniture showrooms, where users want to view entire rooms from a variety of angles and perspectives, will be able to offer customized models t hrough users'  homePCs  . Google representatives report that the company Google is preparing a new revolutionary product called Google Goggles, an interactive visor that will present Internet content in three dimensions. Apparently the recent rumors of a Google phone refers to a product that is much more innovative than the recent Apple iPhone.Google's new three dimensional virtual reality  : nyone putting on â€Å"the Googgles† – as the insiders call them – will be immersed in a three dimensional â€Å"stereo-vision† virtual reality called 3dLife. 3dLife is a pun referring to the three dimensional nature of the interface, but also a reference to the increasingly popular Second Life virtual reality. The â€Å"home page† of 3dLife is called â€Å"the Library†, a virtual room with virtual books categorized according to the Dewey system. Each book presents a knowledge resource within 3dLife or on the regular World Wide Web.If you pick the book for Pandia, Google will open the Pandia Web site within the frame of a virtual painting hanging on the wall in the virtual library. However, Google admits that many users may find this too complicated. Apparently Google is preparing a new revolutionary product called Google Goggles, an interactive visor which will display Internet content in three dimensions. A 3D mouse lets you move effortlessly in all dimensions. Move the 3D mouse controller cap to zoom, pan and rotate simultaneously. The 3D mouse is a virtual extension of your body – and the ideal way to navigate virtual worlds like Second Life.The Space Navigator is designed for precise control over 3D objects in virtual worlds. Move, fly and build effortlessly without having to think about keyboard commands, which makes the experience more lifelike. Controlling your avatar with this 3D mouse is fluid and effortless. Walk or fly spontaneously, Hands on: Exit Reality: The idea behind ExitReality is that when browsing the web in the old-n-busted 2D version you're undoubtedly using now, you can hit a button to magically transform the site into a 3D environment that you can walk around in and virtually socialize with other users visiting the same site.This shares many of the same goals as Google's Lively (which, so far, doesn't seem so lively), though ExitReality is admittedly attempting a few other tricks. Installation is performed via an executable file which places ExitReality shortcuts in Quick Launch and on the desktop, but somehow forgets to add the necessary ExitReality button to  Firefox's toolbar  . After adding the button manually and repeatedly being told our current version was out of date, we were ready to 3D-ify some websites and see just how much of reality we could leave in two-dimensional ust. Exit Reality is designed to offer different kinds of 3D environments that center around spacious rooms that users can explore and customize, but it can also turn some sites like Flickr i nto virtual museums, hanging photos on virtual walls and halls. Strangely, it's treating Ars Technical as an image gallery and presenting it as a malformed  3D gallery  . 3D Shopping  is the most effective way to shop online. DInternet dedicated years of research and development and has developed the worlds' first fully functional, interactive and collaborative shopping mall where online users can use our 3DInternet's Hyper-Reality technology to navigate and immerse themselves in a Virtual Shopping Environment. Unlike real life, you won't get tired running around a mall looking for that perfect gift; you won't have to worry about your kids getting lost in the crowd; and you can finally say goodbye to waiting in long lines to check out.