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A Ticket Booking System For Theater The motivation behind the online ticket booking framework is to give another approach to buying film ...

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Applying The Self Assessment Exercise - 848 Words

For one to establish a stress free life, one of the most important aspects one should pursue together is having a balanced healthy lifestyle. Paying attention to the level of changes in once life over a period of time requires a full attention and cooperation of the individual’s daily activity towards achieving this goal. As an individual , it is a priority to pay proper attention to my lifestyle by adopting a measuring scale that will help to determine my motivation ,emotion and the state of my stress level in my daily activity. By applying the self-assessment exercise, I was able to find out how the activities of the day affect my life. The assessment made me to realize that I was on an average level of stress. It shown that, the lifestyle I adopted, allows me the time to deal with stress in a controlled, non-aggressive way. Even though , I was surprised with the good result of the assessment , I sometimes felt overwhelmed with activities ,but I still try to find time t o calm down and get some rest by having a cup of water , taking a nap or taking a walk in the neighborhood. The assessment result gave me the motivation to keep doing the things I have adopted to help me when I feel stressed out with errands and home work. I understand that motivating myself will require being positive and ready to let go the things that border my life and be willing to speak out the good things I experienced in my life to the people that are more special in my lifeShow MoreRelatedThe And Situational Leadership Theory1513 Words   |  7 Pages1).My predominant leadership style, dependent upon this exercise, might have been taking an interest. Yes, this is reliable for the thing that I might have predicted ahead of time. 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