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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Theory Paper

Personality Theory Paper Sherry Richards PSYCH 504 April 8, 2013 Shawn Davis Ph. D. Personality Theory Paper The film Rudy is about a young man from a blue-collar family who wants to play football for Notre Dame, with less than stellar grades, and no money for college Rudy goes to work at the steel mill where his father works. Then things all changed when his best friend was killed in an explosion, Rudy decides to follow his dream. That dream of attending Notre Dame and playing on the football team of the Fighting Irish. He fails to get admitted after leaving for the campus of Notre Dame.He obtains the assistance and sponsorship from a local priest and starts at a small junior college called Holy Cross College; this is to get grades good enough to allow for a transfer so he hopes. After befriending a graduate student and the teaching assistant at the junior college D-Bob, they strike a deal that Rudy will help him meet girls in exchange for the toutoring that he will provided. D-Bob has Rudy tested and find out that dyslexia which was a big part of the learning issues and Rudy then learns how to overcome this disability and becomes a better student.Rudy continues to bomb out with setting up D-Bob until a girl set him up with Elsa. At Christmas when Rudy goes home, the family mocks him and his ambition to get into the college and play football. Once back at school when finally receives the approval for the transfer to Notre Dame, from the junior college, he runs home to tell the family. His father tells everyone via the loudspeaker at the steel mill. Rudy goes to the stadium groundskeeper and offers to work at no charge after not accepted into the college. Since Rudy has no other place, he utilizes the office cot.By using the window to come and go until the groundskeeper realizes this and eventually comes around to liking Rudy and even gives him his own key, Rudy returns once he is accepted into Notre Dame on the last semester transfer. Even though he walks on t he field as a non-scholarship player for the team, the coach tells Rudy that even the scholarship players will not make the dress roster of the players who are on the field during the football games. One thing that the coach notices is that Rudy has more drive than many of the other members of the team that are there on scholarship.Coach Parseghian agrees to allow Rudy to dress for one home game, as it is senior year, so his family and friends can see him on the team. There was a change in coaches and then Rudy was not on the roster for the next to last game so he quit the team. The groundskeeper whose name is Fortune tells Rudy that he will regret it as he will never have the chance again. Therefore, this convinces him to return to the team. The team captain and a senior stand up for Rudy and request that Rudy be allowed to dress for the final game and many say that he can wear their number, as they will not play so he can.The result is the final game that is at home when he will b e allowed to play. Rudy gets to lead the team out of the tunnel and onto the field and he gets onto the official roster of the Notre Dame Football team. Rudy is in for the final play, he tackles the other teams quarterback, and the team carries him off the field on their shoulders. Karen Horney psychoanalytical social theory believes that the childhood experiences are the biggest social and cultural conditions that shape the personality. In this situation, I feel that Rudy would be neurotic search for glory. He is determined to be on the team and be on the field.This to me is a dream yes, but also wanting to search for pride and glory. Horney stressed culture and that it cannot be ignored when working with people. According to the western culture as she saw it that the society demand for success and achievement are almost endless so that normal people have new, additional goals put to them all the time and that with hard work and effort with no regard to the social position, competi tiveness of others or genetics. She believes that childhood is where the majority of the neurotic problems come from. And that without the genuine warmth and affection there are debilitating personal problems.The drive that Rudy shows according to her is due to a neurosis, just because he wants this does not mean that he was not treated right as a child it is a dream and he ended up making it real. Abraham Maslow suggested a hierarchy of needs that illustrate a process of attaining self-actuation through fulfillment of a succession of needs from basic psychobiological needs to important psychological needs (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). The sixteen-personality factor model developed by Cattell, was developed utilizing the work of previous scientists in the field. The esire to have descriptors of low range and high range which then gave the primary factor. The primary factors for Rudy I believe would be social boldness as he wants what he wants and works to find a way to get in the high r ange and high side of self-reliance. He wants to play for the Notre Dame team in his senior year. He with the help of his sponsor start out in a junior college and make it to the college he wishes to be at, then he works to overcome obstacles which are his size and weight to be on the team. He through help of other teammates gets into the last home game of the season and has several accomplishments.The first he leads the team onto the field at the beginning of the game so that his friends and family see him in the Notre Dame uniform, then he sacks the quarterback in the last play of the game and the teammates carry him off the field on their shoulders in celebration. The factors that drive Rudy I feel is the dream he seeks to make real and he does that regardless of obstacles that are there for him, such as poor academics, height, and weight. Works Cited Bohart, D. A. (2013, March 16). Legal, Ethical, and professional Issues in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Retrieved from academ yprojects. org: http://www. cademyprojects. org/alternatives. htm Cervone, & Pervin. (2010). Personality: Theory and research (11th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. DeSouse, A. (2011). Freudian theory and consciousness: A concptual analysis. Brain, Mind and Consciousness: An International, Interdisciplinary Perspective, 210-217. helpguide. (2013, March 25). phobias and fears: symptoms, treatment, and self-help. Retrieved from helpguide. org: www. helpguide. org/mental/phobia_symptoms_types_treatment. htm Institute of Medicine (US). (2006). Committee on Assessing Interactions Among Social, Behavior, and genetic Factors in Health. Washingtonm D. C. , US.

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