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A Ticket Booking System For Theater The motivation behind the online ticket booking framework is to give another approach to buying film ...

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business law - Assignment Example The feeling or ignorance pertaining what is happening makes the practice appear ambiguous. The practice worked in the sense that the rich folks controlled the market. Therefore, they had power that determined the flow of income within the market. This increased the mobility of physical cash leading to difficult economic situations arising within the economy. However, the situations did not affect those who pioneered them. Instead, they affected the poor persons within the communities. The parties involved include Hank Paulson, who is a treasury secretary. Initially, he headed Goldman and was the secretary during the time of crisis. On the other hand, Tim Geithner was an appointee tasked with overseeing the effectiveness of the system, and managed to be among those that facilitated the downfall of that system. Most people in the movie have different moral philosophies that justify their actions. They do actions that only serve their personal interests without considering what others may be going through at any one moment in time. Therefore, the principles that the people exhibit have a relationship with what they perform. For instance, Dick Fuld lost his job because he facilitated the downfall of one company. Thus, this showcases him as having some of the worst management principles that lack quality leadership. In addition to causing the downfall, he made away with huge lump sums of money making other people lose their valuables such as money and jobs (Ferrell et al. 160). The parties in question could have experienced different situations had they used different moral philosophies. Such philosophies include applied ethics, which potentially takes a person’s problems and tries to find out the right and wrong concerning the situation. The other philosophy is normative ethics that only makes an assessment of those factors enabling people

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