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A Ticket Booking System For Theater The motivation behind the online ticket booking framework is to give another approach to buying film ...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Business Analysis A Financial Analysis Of AGT - 1029 Words

Financial Analysis AGT has experienced strong revenue growth the past 3 years with over 20% compound annual growth rate for that period. Though cost of sales has risen have kept pace, AGT has been able to maintain good EBITA margins. The company rebounded in 2015 from some slightly lower earnings per share which have been positive for the past 3 years. With positive net earnings AGT has been able to maintain its $0.15 quarterly dividend with the stock trading at a healthy 3% yield as of the close on November 24, 2017. We see this stable dividend as a positive signal to shareholders for both the current and future strength of the company. AGT is now in a much stronger and more flexible financial position after the recent issue of a†¦show more content†¦Inventory has also been well managed as evidenced by a 4.79 inventory turnover, above the 3.23 of SOY but once again half of the turnover of PBH. This is however not surprising given the global nature of AGT’s business relative to PBH. While the improvement in many of the key ratios in our forecasted financials suggests that managements strategy has the company headed in the right directions, we are particularly encouraged by our forecast for improvements to the liquidity and leverage ratios. Of note is the significant improvement in the debt to equity ratio from 3.17 in 2016 to a more reasonable 1.75 this year. The long-term debt to capital ratio is also forecast to drop from the current .58 to .45, in line with both PBH and SOY. Valuation AGT shares have performed very poorly over the past year down over 45% year to date. In comparison to both SOY and PBH we believe AGT shares are significantly undervalued. The shares of AGT trade a discount base on a EV/EBITDA, EV/Revenue and Price/Book. AGT currently trades at 9.2 times EV/EBITDA (2016) versus the average for the group at 15.4 times . At the average for the group AGT would be valued at $46 per share and at 14 times multiple, which is still less than what SOY is valued at, it would trade at $40 a share. In our DCF model we have calculated a value of $49 per share , suggesting the company is significantly undervalued. The weighted average cost of capital in our model is 5.58%. We have assumed aShow MoreRelatedEssay On Evaluating The Team Of Regular Basis1801 Words   |  8 Pagesroles in your organization? †¢ AGT has to catalog the key elements and skills which are required by the team to achieve the specified goals. Each member of the teams has to be measured against their offered expertise and traits. Organizing a company’s people is the most crucial and also the most difficult part. People are often unpredictable (Abdullah, 2014). The organization has to make sure that they have the right people appointed at the heart of increasing revenues. AGT should have executives that

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