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Friday, January 10, 2020

Ethics system table Essay

This ethics is also referred to as teleological ethics. This refers to the end results or the outcomes of certain decisions. The acts determine what is ethical. What is viewed to be ethical is the action most likely to result to in the best good or the action with the most significance. This action usually gives the best consequence. Rights-Based Ethics This is the ethics that outlines the privileges that an individual is entitled to. This is based on the ground of categorical imperative which views a person as a moral agent in relation to other people. The rights are treated to be true and correct as they are approved by many people. However, it is difficult to determine which rights should be approved and which ones should be discarded. Human Nature Ethics Also referred to as humanistic ethics. These ethics emphasis on doing what is right and best for the society as a whole. This ethic which mainly dominates ethical theory is a more clearly altruistic. The ethics aims at virtue as well as having social improvement rather than having personal success. The ethics is concerned about everybody in the society. People should not be afraid to lend a helping hand or to receive one Relativistic Ethics This ethics is viewed as an inquiry to what is right or wrong through a critical review of the people’s beliefs and practices. The ethic however fails to recognize that some societies have better reasons of holding tom their views than others. The ethic raises important issues in that different cultural societies have different beliefs and are greatly influenced by culture. The ethics challenges people to explore on the belief systems that differ their own and to find an explanation why people hold their belief system. Entitlement-Based Ethics This is an ethic that views that you owe me because it’s my right to have everything that you have. Virtue-Based ethical This ethic places less emphasis on the rules that people should follow and instead tries to find of teaching people good virtues such as generosity and kindness. These traits later help the person to make better decisions in life. They also emphasis that people should know how to avoid bad virtues such as greed and hatred. These are viewed as hindrances of becoming a good person. Ethical Theory or System Brief Definition Other Names for Theory Real-world Example Workplace Example Duty-based Ethics Regardless of consequences, certain moral principles are binding, focusing on duty rather than results or moral obligation over what the individual would prefer to do (Trevino and Nelson, 2007, Ch. 4). Deontology, pluralism, moral rights, rights-based Categorical imperative Golden rule I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is the right thing to do. It is my duty to follow through with instructions my boss gives me, even if I do not agree with the concept. It is my moral obligation to respect authority figures. Consequence-based Ethics What is viewed to be ethical is the action most likely to result to in the best good or the action with the most significance. teleological ethics I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is good for one’s health. We ignore the consequence of telling the truth to the police as it may lead to the imprisonment and detention of another person. Rights-based Ethics the privileges that an individual is entitled to Society norms I believe people should be able to eat sand if they want to because they are free to make the decision themselves. In America it is so clear on the right of the people to choose their faith; therefore people in the USA have a right to choose their religion. Human Nature Ethics emphasis on doing what ibis right and best for the society as a whole Humanistic ethics. I believe that if sand is going to be eaten, it should be available for everyone to eat. In an organization people should encourage teamwork as much as possible in order for it to run successfully. Relativistic Ethics Viewed as an inquiry to what is right or wrong through a critical review of the people’s beliefs and practices. Ethnocentric ethic I believe I will eat sand because it is the standard meal for my community. Every organization should be viewed as unique and different from others as it has its own practices and code of conduct. Entitlement-based Ethics Views that you owe me because it’s my right to have everything that you have. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they decide they want to, regardless of whether it is someone else’s sand. A person may claim to be paid his salary by the company at the end of the month. Virtue-based ethics places less emphasis on the rules that people should follow and instead tries to find of teaching people good virtues such as generosity and kindness Character based ethic I believe people should be able to eat sand if they like the taste of it. The organization should teach people what is right or wrong and leave them to make good decisions later. Reference Trevino, L. , and Nelson, K. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. Hoboken: Wiley.

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