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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Persuasive Essay About Military Draft - 1456 Words

The military draft is now a thing of the past since World War II and the Vietnam War. Today the military draft seems obsolete with the rise in volunteers. Over the past half-century, military drafts have controlled the fates of eligible men on and off the battlefield. Thankfully this is not the case today with qualified men and women signing up and risking their lives for their country. With the United States at war in the Middle East, having plenty of volunteers is essential in the effort to win. In the United States volunteers join the military from diverse backgrounds, with different reasons for joining, but, they all share the idea to serve. With a growing military force, it is essential to examine how each reason inspires the†¦show more content†¦Desperate and in need of help family members may look towards the military as the possible solution to their situation. Tricare, the name of the military health care, is provided to every service member and their family in retu rn for their four to five years of service. Tricare states that the company â€Å"provides services including dental insurance, mental health care, pharmaceutical needs, special needs coverage and vision care based on the variety of coverages a member receives† (Tricare 1). All of these health care services provided could help those in need. Providing health insurance is one of the military’s special tools for gaining volunteers. Instead of forcing people to join, offering services to others in need helps draw volunteers. Volunteers looking to become students and attend college for free may be interested in serving in the military for at least four to five years. The government covers the free education provided under the Post 9/11 GI Bill. In the article â€Å"Service Members in School: Military Veterans Experiences Using the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Pursuing Postsecondary Education† the author Jennifer L. Steele explains that the â€Å"Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act became enforced on August 1, 2009, allowing for better educational benefits for the veterans† (Steele 1). Having the opportunity to go to college is becoming a necessity to succeed in today s society. InShow MoreRelatedWhy We Need A Military Draft Today1488 Words   |  6 PagesDecember 8, 2016 Persuasive essay Why We do not need a Military Draft today. The Military Draft has been a major part in United States history. The draft has been used in four different conflicts in the United States of America. It was used in Both world wars, the Civil war, and the Cold war. It might have been effective during these times, but it also causes great corruption and sacrifice. It caused families to lose their sons and friends. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Applying The Self Assessment Exercise - 848 Words

For one to establish a stress free life, one of the most important aspects one should pursue together is having a balanced healthy lifestyle. Paying attention to the level of changes in once life over a period of time requires a full attention and cooperation of the individual’s daily activity towards achieving this goal. As an individual , it is a priority to pay proper attention to my lifestyle by adopting a measuring scale that will help to determine my motivation ,emotion and the state of my stress level in my daily activity. By applying the self-assessment exercise, I was able to find out how the activities of the day affect my life. The assessment made me to realize that I was on an average level of stress. It shown that, the lifestyle I adopted, allows me the time to deal with stress in a controlled, non-aggressive way. Even though , I was surprised with the good result of the assessment , I sometimes felt overwhelmed with activities ,but I still try to find time t o calm down and get some rest by having a cup of water , taking a nap or taking a walk in the neighborhood. The assessment result gave me the motivation to keep doing the things I have adopted to help me when I feel stressed out with errands and home work. I understand that motivating myself will require being positive and ready to let go the things that border my life and be willing to speak out the good things I experienced in my life to the people that are more special in my lifeShow MoreRelatedThe And Situational Leadership Theory1513 Words   |  7 Pages1).My predominant leadership style, dependent upon this exercise, might have been taking an interest. Yes, this is reliable for the thing that I might have predicted ahead of time. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Describe the Pathophysiology of an Acute Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction. Answer: Pathophysiology of Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (AHTR) has been found to occur within 24 hrs of transfusion because of ABO incompatibility of the packed red blood cells or in other rare instances because of incompatibility of large volume of plasma that may be identified as the etiology. Red blood cells during transfusion usually get destroyed by the persons immune system. In other forms of allergic transfusion reactions, hemolysis might not take place. It mostly occurs as a systemic response displaying phases related to humoral immune reaction, phagocytes activation, and generation of cytokine mediators in conjunction with production of wide ranging cellular responses. Transfusion serving error like that of labeling, typing, cross-matching or clinical service error because of wrong patient sample and application of wrong unit on blood might pose threat and culminate in AHTR. Clinical manifestations of AHTR are often found to result in exhibition of early symptoms of fever with chills and/or ri gors, nausea, vomiting, pain at the site of infusion, diffuse bleeding, back and flank ache, epistaxis, hypo or hyper tension, hemoglobinuria (Bolton?Maggs Cohen, 2013). The pathophysiology pertaining to AHTR is usually found to take place across three phases. Initially during phase 1, IgG or IgM antibodies remain bound to the membranes of the RBC. Subjected to the capability of causing activation of the complements (C1 to C9) by these antibodies, hemolysis occurs. Further, in the subsequent step of phase 2, the non- hemolyzed cells might bind to the phagocytic cells by means of antibody IgG or complement of C3b receptors thereby causing stimulation of the production of cytokines like that of IL-8and TNF-. On the contrary, the RBCs that are bound undergo destruction due to phagocytosis. Finally, in case of phase 3, the clinical signs and symptoms of the AHTR is manifested through expression of the systemic effects of anaphylotoxins, cytokines and other complements such as that of C 3a and C5a. Risk factors include individual patient characteristics, blood component, equipment used, concomitant medications and intravenous fluids administered and procedures applied. Less frequent occurrence of minor ABO mismatch because of transferring of donor anti-A or anti-B for the plasma contained products might also pose threat to the culmination of AHTR (Tinegate et al., 2012). Nursing Care Plan for Patient experiencing Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction The Nursing Care Plan for the case study provided with respect to the patient admitted to hospital for performing gastroscopy following report of being easily fatigued and discharging black stool with symptoms of burning epigastric pain will be prepared. The Clinical Reasoning Cycle will be resorted to for carrying out assessments that will encompass identification of three nursing diagnosis, establishing goals, selecting suitable interventions and undertaking evaluation of outcomes (Nightingale, 2015). The condition of the patient experiencing AHTR on being kept under transfusion will be analyzed and presented in the nursing care plan with support from relevant and current health care related literature. Priority Nursing Diagnosis will include the following: Patient has been reported of having high body temperature of 40? Hyperthermia or fever have occurred following transfusion. Fever might have set in as a result of AHTR accounting for altered homeostatic mechanism due to fault in the hypothalamic regulation following inaccurate transfusion. The catastrophic consequence of AHTR induced fever must be kept at bay. Pulse of the patient upon undergoing transfusion has been found to be well above normal. Heightened heart rate poses threat to the patient thereby incurring load to the cardiovascular system. The complement mediated intravascular hemolysis along with the production of vasoactive amines and other mediators cause contraction of the bronchial and intestinal smooth muscle cell Blood pressure of the patient who underwent transfusion with pRBC at two instances was found to vary rapidly. The fluctuation in blood pressure may be of threat to the patient as it will increase the cardiovascular workload on the patients heart predisposing the affected individual to experience the penance of such differential values of blood pressure Nursing Care Plan SL No. Establishing Goals or Plans Nursing Interventions Evaluating Outcomes 1. Temperature of the patient will revert back to normal range and in the subsequent steps of the patient will feel better with regained consciousness and vitality and will no longer express of being confused or express symptoms of anxiety. Additional symptoms of chills/rigors or shaking and stiffness will also subside for patient following pertinent intervention within the next hour (Cserti-Gazdewich et al., 2015). Antipyretic medication may be administered to the patient in the form of IV injection following directives from the physician. As the fever followed pRBC transfusion, sample must be sent for confirming the patients ABO type, visual checking for hemoglobinemia and performing direct antiglobulin test (DAT) (Webert Heddle, 2017). Measurement of body temperature of patient showed decreased values within normal limits. Patient felt better without any complain of feeling dizzy or lethargic. The patient is awake and fully aware of the happenings around. The chills and rigors occurring in conjunction with fever also diminished. 2. The heart rate response of the patient will decrease and get back within the normal physiological limits thereby reliving the pressure on the cardiovascular system for carrying out extra load of work by the heart. The cardiovascular response of the patient will be normalized thereby ameliorating the risk associated with accentuated heart rate in the AHTR affected patient (Morosky Joyner, 2013). In order to combat the AHTR induced functional changes in the body, appropriate measures are required. Heart rate reduction might be done in addition to catering to taking measures for reducing the risks of renal failure. Maintenance of adequate urine output and fluids may be ensured by means of administration of diuretics like furosemide. Further, prophylactic actions might include vigorous hydration with intravenous crystalloid solutions coupled with osmotic dieresis by mannitol (Scott Greineder, 2014). Assessment of vital signs like heart rate showed values to lie within normal range. Urine output found to be within normal limits. 3. The blood pressure of the patient will be stabilized with values falling within the normal range. Mismatch transfusion that might have caused the RBCs to hemolyse and result in accentuated workload on the cardiovascular system will be taken care of through conduct of clinical tests that will include CBC, detection of bilirubin, haptoglobin and coagulation (Yahalom Zelig, 2015). Specific to the treatment of hypotension, low dose dopamine may be administered in order to enhance renal perfusion that is considered crucial in the maintenance of urine output for AHTR affected patients. Thus, regulation of urine output will indirectly help in maintaining blood pressure within normal limits (Dasararaju Marques, 2015). Blood pressure arrived within normal limits without showing any symptoms of fluctuation. Urine output is maintained at normal levels. References Bolton?Maggs, P. H., Cohen, H. (2013). Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) haemovigilance and progress is improving transfusion safety.British journal of haematology,163(3), 303-314. Cserti-Gazdewich, C. M., Pendergrast, J. M., Lin, Y., Callum, J., Lieberman, L. D., Escorcia, A., Ramirez-Arcos, S. (2015). Post-Transfusion Fevers and Post-Reaction Culture Practices at a Large Academic Hospital Transfusion Service: Quality of Information and Calculated Bacterial Contamination Event Rates.Blood,126(23), 3569-3569. Dasararaju, R., Marques, M. B. (2015). Adverse effects of transfusion.Cancer Control,22(1), 16-25. Morosky, C. M., Joyner, A. B. (2013). Blood Product Transfusion for Massive Hemorrhage.Topics in Obstetrics Gynecology,33(5), 1-7. Nightingale, K. E. (2015). Embedding Simulation-Based Learning in a Capstone Undergraduate Nursing Subject to Develop Clinical Reasoning Skills. Scott, K., Greineder, C. (2014). EM Critical Care. Tinegate, H., Birchall, J., Gray, A., Haggas, R., Massey, E., Norfolk, D., ... Allard, S. (2012). Guideline on the investigation and management of acute transfusion reactions Prepared by the BCSH Blood Transfusion Task Force.British journal of haematology,159(2), 143-153. Webert, K. E., Heddle, N. M. (2017). Investigation of Acute Transfusion Reactions.Practical Transfusion Medicine, 69. Yahalom, V., Zelig, O. (2015). Handling a transfusion haemolytic reaction.ISBT Science Series,10(S1), 12-19.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sir Rich Arkwright Was Born On December 23, 1732 At Preston In The Cou

Sir Rich Arkwright was born on December 23, 1732 at Preston in the county of Lancaster. His first profession was a barber in Bolron-le-moors in 1760. Soon afterward he traveled throught the country buying human hair. At that time he had a valuable chemical secret for dying the hair to make wigs out of. Arkwright's hair was commented to be the finest hair in the country. In 1761, Richard Arkwright married Margaret Biggins, and this marriage brought him to an aquaitance with Thomas Highs. Highs was probably one of the most important people Arkwright was to ever meet. He was the inventor of the spinning jenny and the water frame. Highs was behind the mechanical production of both of these machines, however he could now market his product due to lack of funding and ill communication skills. This is where Richard Arkwright comes in. Arkwright was highly skilled in dealing with business and other social aspects. Arkwright sought to obtain the water frame by less than friendly means. He contacted John Kay, a former employee of Highs', to "turn brass" for him. This was all part of a clever plot to get Kay to reveal the design of Highs' water frame. Eventually, Arkwright succeded and Kay cunstructed a replica of the water frame, or otherwise known as throstle. Arkwright showed off the model to several people to seek financial aid. He eventually prevailed on Mr. Smalley to fund the project. In April of 1768 he hired Kay and took him along with him to Nottingham where he built a factory turned by horses. On July 3, 1769, he obtained a patent for "spinning by rollers." By doing this, he solidified his hold over the water frame preventing Highs from ever gaining the immense profits made by the water frame. In 1771, Arkwright built another factory in Cromford. The power for this factory was supplied by a water wheel instead of horses. During this time many improvements were made to shorten the process of spinning wool. Arkwright kept an eye on these improvements and eventually made a machine combining many of them into a series. These "engines," as he called them, were enough to take up another pattent on December 16, 1775. Improvements specified in the pattent were not invented by Arkwright but were actually borrowed from a number of different spinners. The spinners he borrowed the improvements continued to use their improvements even after the pattent was obtained. In 1781, Arkwright began to take action against these people for still using these improvements by suing them for pattent infringement. Unlike what would happen today, only one case was tried against Col. Mordaunt. Mordaunt's defence was that Arkwright had never specified the inventions as required by law, theref making the pattent invalid. Soon after the trial, Arkwright published "The Case." The object of "The Case" was to obtain from the Legislature an act of Parliament to guarantee Arkwright the pattent-right which had been invalidated by the trial in 1781. In "The Case" he attributed the invention of the jenny and the water frame to James Hargrave who infact only improved on the water frame. He also cleverly omitted Highs' name from the paper, and Hargrave, who was dead, could not deny or approve of what was written. For those of you who have been wondering all this time about what the water frame exactly is, well, it's not a drenched picture frame. It's really an improvement on a spinning machine called the spinning jenny. The jenny, however, was only able to spin transverse threads. The jenny's inventor, Highs, believed he could produce a machine that could spin cotton to a degree of hardness and fineness required for logitudinal threads which had been made from foreign linnen yarn. Highs employed Kay to make the machine by giving him a model made of wood. The water frame required a great deal of power to operate it, and could only be used to the advantage of factories,and only by specific factories with an available water source to turn the machine because the steam engine had not been invented at this point in time. This is where it got the name of water frame. The yarn spun on the water frame is twisted