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A Ticket Booking System For Theatre

A Ticket Booking System For Theater The motivation behind the online ticket booking framework is to give another approach to buying film ...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Adebat about can any one be an entrepreneur including with the Essay

Adebat about can any one be an entrepreneur including with the strength about it and proving them also weaknesses and prove it - Essay Example 3) The acceptance of failure or risk. From the economist’s point of view, an entrepreneur is an individual who brings together labor, resources, materials and other valuable assets into a combined form that brings out a value that is greater than before. An entrepreneur can also be defined as person who introduces innovations, changes, and some form of new order. The psychologist says that such individuals are driven certain internal forces of the urge to attain or obtain something, to accomplish, to experiment, or just to escape the authority of other individuals. To a business person, an entrepreneur will be treated as a threat or an aggressive competitor. Again to the same business person, an entrepreneur can be a benefiting factor as one can become a business ally, customer, supplier or creator of wealth to others. An entrepreneur can also be seen as a person who is finding better ways to reduce waste, utilize resources or produce jobs to those who are jobless. Entrepreneurship is also seen as a dynamical process of producing an increment of wealth (Casson, 2008). This wealth is frequently created by the people who take an assumption to some significant risks in terms of time, equity. However, these definitions will tend to view the entrepreneur from different perspectives, but they have similar notions about organizing, newness, wealth, creating, novelty and the risk taking. Each definition is sometimes restrictive because entrepreneurs are found in all professions such as education, law, research, engineering, social work, medicine, distribution and government. Entrepreneurship is a means of creating new things with some added value by devoting the required effort and resources. At the same time assuming psychic, social risks, financial and acceptance of the results of the monetary rewards and the personal independence and satisfaction. The definition of the entrepreneur stresses four

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare the housing bubble in US and in China & how can Chinese Essay

Compare the housing bubble in US and in China & how can Chinese government learn from US - Essay Example My goal in this paper is to do a comparative study of the housing bubble in both U.S and China. China has experienced extraordinary growth in the housing market in the recent past; as a result, there has been a substantial increase in residential property. Nevertheless, while accelerating house prices in china may help indicate the presence of the bubble, its existence is still very controversial. Arguably, the current housing boom can be a rational bubble arising naturally from China’s economic transition. With the $580-billion stimulus package injected in 2008, just before the financial crises hit U.S, China’s economy has been able to withstand the global economic meltdown. The stimulus led to banks loosening their lending rate; hence there was excessive lending to home purchasers and thus rapidly raising the housing prices. Unfortunately, should the prices fall, there would be an increase in nonperforming loans and this would trigger china’s housing bubble. In U.S the housing bubble is believed to have been driven mainly by historically low interest rates. However, the low-interest rates, on their own, could not have caused the bubble and these have led to formulation of so many explanations and theories to try and explain what happened. According to (Holt) the correlation between housing price growth and subprime lending across market indicated that the lender took so much risk in booming markets thus increasing to even more the market demand. The meltdown in the housing market consequently, yielded to the devastating financial crisis. Evidently, the effects are still visible and the residential market In U.S is still on the road to recovery, with home prices yet to return to their historical high. Development of housing bubbles follows irrational exuberance for continuous rise of house prices. In the development of U.S Housing bubble, there was a rapid

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Health Promotion in Nursing: Child Obesity Interventions

Health Promotion in Nursing: Child Obesity Interventions This essay will explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes nurses need for health promotion. In the last decade health promotion has been a significant part of health policy in the UK (Piper, 2009). For instance the Department of Health (DOH) policies: Choosing Health (DOH, 2004) and Better Information, Better Choices, Better Health (DOH, 2007), both highlight health promotion as a main concern in health service (Piper, 2009). Nurses have a significant part in reducing the effect of disease, promoting health and function (RCN, 2012). The NMC (2008) states that health promotion is a key aspect of the nursing profession and one they are required to undertake in practise. Health promotion is a procedure which helps people to enhance their health and have control over it (WHO, 1985). Tones (1987) describes health promotion as â€Å"any strategic measure which aids health or averts illness, disability and pre-mature death.† Health promotion aims to enhance ones skills and abilities in order to take action, and in the volume of a group or community to work mutually to place control over determinants of health and attain positive change (WHO, 1978). Health promotion is essential in child nursing as anything which affects a child’s health during childhood may have an effect on adulthood (Moyse, 2009). In order to provide effective health promotion nurses must have the correct skills, knowledge and attitudes (Cole, 2008). Having the right knowledge, skills and attitude allows nurses to implement successful health promotion, consequently making a positive effect on the patients’ life, health and wellbeing (Cole Porter, 2008). Child nurses delivering public health are working to establish opportunities for children to live positive healthy lives, by influencing public policies and via health promotion (RCN, 2007). However to ensure this nurses need knowledge (Risjord, 2011). For example having knowledge on various health conditions is vital for nurses, as they spend a significant amount of time with service users, thus nurses are usually the first source for information when service users want find out about a certain health condition (Risjord, 2011). In relation to tackling child obesity nurses will need knowledge about obesity to carry out successful health promotion (Bagchi, 2010). Grimmet et al (2010) found that parents and children either have inadequate or no knowledge on obesity and the severity of it. This suggests that there is lack of awareness on child obesity. Moyse states that nurses must offer guidance and lifestyle education each time they are in contact with service users. Working with the child’s family is vital as it will allow nurses to identify misunderstandings families have about: exercise, food consumption, and health matters (Moyse, 2009). This shows knowledge is vital when delivering health promotion as nurses can help both child and parent come to terms with health issues via education and advice. Having knowledge on health epidemiology will be vital for nurses in health promotion as if offers a depiction of current health conditions amid children thus highlighting areas which require priority. Currently in the UK 33% of boys and 30% of girls aged 2-15 years are obese (Health Survey for England, 2012). Since 1995-2006 the obesity rate has increased from 14% to 25% for boys and from 15% to 27% for girls. Obesity rates in boys aged 2-10 increased from 11% in 1995 to 17% in 2006 and girls 10% in girls to 12% in 2006 (Health Survey for England, 2012). Being aware of the prevalence and incidence of child obesity will allow nurses to identify: preventative approaches, monitor secular trends and allow nurses to recognise groups at risk (Naidoo Willis, 2009). Nurses need to have knowledge about a child’s psychological, social, physical and intellectual development. The Children Act (2004) states this as an obligation for all child practitioners involved in children’s health, protection and welfare. Being aware of child development is a significant step towardsunderstanding what establishes children’swellbeing, safety and promoting and maintaining wellbeing (DOH, 2012). This ensures that holistic care is given to the child as it considers all aspects of child’s health. In relation to childhood obesity child development is a vital aspect when delivering health promotion as it will help the nurse to identify how the child’s development is affected due to obesity and the implications caused by it, but most importantly it allows the nurse to identify how this can be altered to improve the child’s health (reference). Having evidence based knowledge is vital in health promotion, the NMC (2008) states that nurses must use evidence based practise to deliver excellent care and to ensure patient needs are met. In relation to child obesity nurses can acquire evidence based knowledge about obesity by reviewing literature this will offer understanding of key research, initiatives, interventions, and policy which are all key in implementing care for obese children  (Porter Cole, 2008). Having knowledge on health promotion theories and models will be beneficial for nurses as they underpin the application of health promotion. Theory can help implement health promotion in various ways (Nutbeam Harris, 2010). Models and theories offer a better understanding of health problem being addressed. They also explain the needs and motivations of the target population and offer suggestions in how to alter health status, health behaviour and their detriments. Health promotion models and theories also offer approaches and measures utilised to monitor the programmes and problems (Nutbeam Harris, 2010). In relation to child obesity nurses may use the nursing process, which has the following stages: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. For instance the child will be assessed to identify child’s health needs as basis for care implementation. For the diagnosis the child’s weight and height may be measured, this will allow the nurse to identify if the child is obese by comparing the results to the national body mass index percentile, for children. Nurses may also have a consultation with parents to identify what may be contributing to child being obese. For planning nurses may devise a care plan for the child consisting of planned actions which are suitable for child’s needs i.e. regular exercise, balance diet or decreasing calorie intake to a sensible amount. For the implementation stage nurses will help the child to implement actions from the care plan e.g. food diary to help reduce calorie intake to recommended amount, encouraging the child and family to do 30 minutes of exercise per day or increasing healthier food choices. For the evaluation stage the nurse and child or family, will assess if the interventions were effective and if not how actions can be improved to ensure patients’ needs are met. Nurses need knowledge on health inequalities as the UK government has identified health inequalities as a key public health issue (DOH, 2013). Child obesity can be considered as a health inequality, as the National Child Measurement Programme, found high obesity rates amid 5 and 12 year olds were linked to increased socioeconomic deprivation (NCMP, 2010). The Healthy Lives Healthy People policy (DOH, 2010) aims to reduce health inequalities and increase opportunities by offering various services for both family and children. The policy stresses the significance of giving children a healthy start in life, it sets goals for the Healthy Child Programme, health visitors, and the Family Nurse Partnership and demonstrates how this contributes to the public health priority of promoting good health and wellbeing (DOH, 2010). Nurses play a key role in this policy by improving health and opportunities for children and young people via health promoting initiatives. For instance it aims to tackle child obesity by educating parents on healthy eating, and exercise. To achieve this nurses will need knowledge on the factors of health inequalities and health promotion methods which can be utilised to aid children and their parents to avert infirmity, injury and mortality (Moyse, 2009). Skills There is a vast range of skills used in health promotion to tackle public health issues. One of them is having the skill to collaborate with others. Brammer, (2007) states that effective support for families and children cannot be attained by a sole agency. Thus nurses must cooperate with others when delivering health promotion, to meet child’s needs. The DOH, states that NHS staff collaborate with each other in effective teams and that partnership is vital in implementing care to patients (DOH, 2006). Acheson suggests that in order to help people lead independent lives inter-professional collaboration is required to encourage public agencies to adapt services to individuals needs and to promote choice along with independence (Acheson, 1999). In relation child obesity nurses can collaborate with others to tackle environmental challenges, as it’s an area where nurses have less input. The environment consists of: physical, cultural, social and economic environment which are needed for one to make lifestyle modifications (Davis, 2007). Via inter-professional collaboration within multidisciplinary team or with agencies for example with nutritionists, schools, religious representatives, fitness and leisure centres and community food personnel environment barriers can be tackled (Mosytn, 2005). Family culture and social life can be modified by motivating the family to embrace a healthier lifestyle, hence resulting in a positive environment for modification (Davis, 2007). Having communications skills is crucial in health promotion (Webb, 2011). Wills et al (2007) found that nurses had to recognise how individuals acquire information, how information is exchanged effectively, how individuals make choices regarding their health and understand the way in which communities alter. In relation to child obesity, communicating with parents creates cornerstone of intervention to address the issue of child being obese. When communication is carried out correctly the foundation for working in partnership with obese children and their family can be formed and nurtured (Mikhailovich Morrison, 2007). Having the skill to deliver family centred care is a key aspect in health promotion, as families have a crucial part in ensuring the health and well-being of children and young people (Moyse, 2009). The National Service Framework (DOH, 2004) has guidelines which emphasis on health promotion and assisting families with education and resources from birth to adulthood. The guidelines ask for high quality care to promote and safeguard children and young people. By implementing family centred care nurses allow the formation of partnership with the child’s family in the pursuit of being amenable to the priorities and necessities of the family and child (Bowden Greenberg, 2011). Family centred care beneficial in delivery of health promotion as it improves care, allows successful distribution of resources, and satisfies both family and patient (Bowden Greenberg, 2011). In relation to child obesity optimal care is delivered by adopting family centred care, where care and advice is offered to both family and child to allow concordance. Having the skill to empower patients is vital, Tones Tilford (2001) argue that empowerment is most crucial feature of health promotion. In relation to child obesity empowering the young person to manage their health while satisfying their needs is vital. Empowerment has been recognised as key concept in encouraging healthy eating and exercise (Cochran, 2008). Attitudes To achieve effective health promotion nurses must encompass health promoting attitudes and demonstrate respect for all patients. Empathy is a crucial attitude in health promotion, McQueen (2005) states that empathy refers to being able to understand the patient’s behaviour and feelings. Malloch (2001) suggests that empathy forms trust and allows care to be negotiated, implemented and evaluated efficiently. The NMC, (2008) also states nurses need to be able deliver care with empathy. In relation to child obesity empathy is a key attitude as the DOH (2010) states that nurses must be empathetic with families when dealing with sensitive issue like child obesity. Being compassionate is vital when delivering health promotion as the DOH (2010) states that compassion forms the basis of care via through relationships formed on respect, dignity and empathy. Being non-judgmental is vital in health promotion, as the NMC (2008) states that care must be given in a universal, non-judgmental, kind and sensitive manner that avoids assumptions. Being a motivational is a key attitude nurses will require as it helps patients feel confident, thus making a desired health action more achievable Fisher, (2013). Harter suggests that patients will be motivated when they perceive themselves as being confident however if one feels they are not capable of fulfilling an action they are less likely to do it. Thus having a motivational attitude is vital as it increases patient’s self-esteem and prompts patients to take action on their health. Conclusion This essay has explored why nurses need skills, knowledge and attitude to deliver health promotion and how this can be used to tackle child obesity.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Disease and Death :: History Journal Diary Essays

Disease and Death May 14th 1963: The jungles of Zaire are much more intimidating and humbling in person than in the brochure at the Peace Corps office. I have been dispatched here to assist in the quarantine and treatment of the locals and some wild life. While I am overcome with the beauty of the flora I can't help but ponder the sheer amount of insects and mosquitoes that this sort of environment can support... After a 5 hour bus ride into the forest we come to a clearing with clusters of lean-tos and make shift buildings. What once was a clearing for farm animals to graze and to grow crops is now a make shift graveyard and apparently the process of burying the dead has become too much of a burden on the bereaved and a funeral pyre burns day in and day out. The air of the village hangs low with the stench of death and burnt flesh while the wailing of those that have survived, thus far, greet the ears of the volunteers. The doctors have already set up a make shift hospital in the largest of the buildings and the volunteers are shown to the quarters and are expected to work right alongside the doctors as an informal nurse. May 15th 1963: I have estimated that the population of the village before the outbreak of this plague was roughly 500-750 inhabitants with an equal population of livestock. It appears that the cattle were afflicted first and were promptly skinned and burnt. The disease then ran its course into the herdsmen who were responsible for disposing of the cattle. The first case occurred a month ago when one of the skinners nicked a finger while skinning. As I gathered, from the translator who has been interviewing people since his arrival two weeks ago, that at first people thought the man just to have a common cold and headache but after a few days his eyes were filled with blood and he became hot to the touch. Then the skin became horribly bruised as if he had suffered some sort of terrible flogging. As the disease progressed his fever steadily increased seeming to cook him alive and the bruises filled with what one could only imagine as his own wretched blood trying to escape the b ody housing it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Theory Paper

Personality Theory Paper Sherry Richards PSYCH 504 April 8, 2013 Shawn Davis Ph. D. Personality Theory Paper The film Rudy is about a young man from a blue-collar family who wants to play football for Notre Dame, with less than stellar grades, and no money for college Rudy goes to work at the steel mill where his father works. Then things all changed when his best friend was killed in an explosion, Rudy decides to follow his dream. That dream of attending Notre Dame and playing on the football team of the Fighting Irish. He fails to get admitted after leaving for the campus of Notre Dame.He obtains the assistance and sponsorship from a local priest and starts at a small junior college called Holy Cross College; this is to get grades good enough to allow for a transfer so he hopes. After befriending a graduate student and the teaching assistant at the junior college D-Bob, they strike a deal that Rudy will help him meet girls in exchange for the toutoring that he will provided. D-Bob has Rudy tested and find out that dyslexia which was a big part of the learning issues and Rudy then learns how to overcome this disability and becomes a better student.Rudy continues to bomb out with setting up D-Bob until a girl set him up with Elsa. At Christmas when Rudy goes home, the family mocks him and his ambition to get into the college and play football. Once back at school when finally receives the approval for the transfer to Notre Dame, from the junior college, he runs home to tell the family. His father tells everyone via the loudspeaker at the steel mill. Rudy goes to the stadium groundskeeper and offers to work at no charge after not accepted into the college. Since Rudy has no other place, he utilizes the office cot.By using the window to come and go until the groundskeeper realizes this and eventually comes around to liking Rudy and even gives him his own key, Rudy returns once he is accepted into Notre Dame on the last semester transfer. Even though he walks on t he field as a non-scholarship player for the team, the coach tells Rudy that even the scholarship players will not make the dress roster of the players who are on the field during the football games. One thing that the coach notices is that Rudy has more drive than many of the other members of the team that are there on scholarship.Coach Parseghian agrees to allow Rudy to dress for one home game, as it is senior year, so his family and friends can see him on the team. There was a change in coaches and then Rudy was not on the roster for the next to last game so he quit the team. The groundskeeper whose name is Fortune tells Rudy that he will regret it as he will never have the chance again. Therefore, this convinces him to return to the team. The team captain and a senior stand up for Rudy and request that Rudy be allowed to dress for the final game and many say that he can wear their number, as they will not play so he can.The result is the final game that is at home when he will b e allowed to play. Rudy gets to lead the team out of the tunnel and onto the field and he gets onto the official roster of the Notre Dame Football team. Rudy is in for the final play, he tackles the other teams quarterback, and the team carries him off the field on their shoulders. Karen Horney psychoanalytical social theory believes that the childhood experiences are the biggest social and cultural conditions that shape the personality. In this situation, I feel that Rudy would be neurotic search for glory. He is determined to be on the team and be on the field.This to me is a dream yes, but also wanting to search for pride and glory. Horney stressed culture and that it cannot be ignored when working with people. According to the western culture as she saw it that the society demand for success and achievement are almost endless so that normal people have new, additional goals put to them all the time and that with hard work and effort with no regard to the social position, competi tiveness of others or genetics. She believes that childhood is where the majority of the neurotic problems come from. And that without the genuine warmth and affection there are debilitating personal problems.The drive that Rudy shows according to her is due to a neurosis, just because he wants this does not mean that he was not treated right as a child it is a dream and he ended up making it real. Abraham Maslow suggested a hierarchy of needs that illustrate a process of attaining self-actuation through fulfillment of a succession of needs from basic psychobiological needs to important psychological needs (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). The sixteen-personality factor model developed by Cattell, was developed utilizing the work of previous scientists in the field. The esire to have descriptors of low range and high range which then gave the primary factor. The primary factors for Rudy I believe would be social boldness as he wants what he wants and works to find a way to get in the high r ange and high side of self-reliance. He wants to play for the Notre Dame team in his senior year. He with the help of his sponsor start out in a junior college and make it to the college he wishes to be at, then he works to overcome obstacles which are his size and weight to be on the team. He through help of other teammates gets into the last home game of the season and has several accomplishments.The first he leads the team onto the field at the beginning of the game so that his friends and family see him in the Notre Dame uniform, then he sacks the quarterback in the last play of the game and the teammates carry him off the field on their shoulders in celebration. The factors that drive Rudy I feel is the dream he seeks to make real and he does that regardless of obstacles that are there for him, such as poor academics, height, and weight. Works Cited Bohart, D. A. (2013, March 16). Legal, Ethical, and professional Issues in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Retrieved from academ yprojects. org: http://www. cademyprojects. org/alternatives. htm Cervone, & Pervin. (2010). Personality: Theory and research (11th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. DeSouse, A. (2011). Freudian theory and consciousness: A concptual analysis. Brain, Mind and Consciousness: An International, Interdisciplinary Perspective, 210-217. helpguide. (2013, March 25). phobias and fears: symptoms, treatment, and self-help. Retrieved from helpguide. org: www. helpguide. org/mental/phobia_symptoms_types_treatment. htm Institute of Medicine (US). (2006). Committee on Assessing Interactions Among Social, Behavior, and genetic Factors in Health. Washingtonm D. C. , US.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Abstract of 3D Internet 

Abstract  of 3D Internet Also known as virtual worlds, the  3D Internet  is a powerful new way for you to reach consumers, business customers, co-workers, partners, and students. It combines the immediacy of television, the versatile content of the Web, and the relationship-building strengths of social networking sites like  Face book  . Yet unlike the passive experience of television, the  3D Internet  is inherently interactive and engaging. Virtual worlds provide immersive 3D experiences that replicate (and in some cases exceed) real life. People who take part in virtual worlds stay online longer with a heightened level of interest.To take advantage of that interest, diverse businesses and organizations have claimed an early stake in this fast-growing market. They include technology leaders such as  IBM, Microsoft, and Cisco, companies such as BMW, Toyota , Circuit City , Coca Cola, and Calvin Klein, and scores of universities, including Harvard, Stanford and Penn S tate . Introduction of  3D Internet The success of 3D communities and mapping applications, combined with the falling costs of producing 3D environments, are leading some analysts to predict that a dramatic shift is taking place in the way people see and navigate the Internet.The appeal of 3D worlds to consumers and vendors lies in the level of immersion that the programsoffer. The experience of interacting with another character in a 3D environment, as opposed to a screen name or a flat image, adds new appeal to the act of socializing on the Internet. Advertisements in Microsoft's Virtual Earth  3D mapping  application are placed as billboards and signs on top of buildings, blending in with the application's urban landscapes. 3D worlds also hold benefits beyond simple social interactions.Companies that specialize in interior design or furniture showrooms, where users want to view entire rooms from a variety of angles and perspectives, will be able to offer customized models t hrough users'  homePCs  . Google representatives report that the company Google is preparing a new revolutionary product called Google Goggles, an interactive visor that will present Internet content in three dimensions. Apparently the recent rumors of a Google phone refers to a product that is much more innovative than the recent Apple iPhone.Google's new three dimensional virtual reality  : nyone putting on â€Å"the Googgles† – as the insiders call them – will be immersed in a three dimensional â€Å"stereo-vision† virtual reality called 3dLife. 3dLife is a pun referring to the three dimensional nature of the interface, but also a reference to the increasingly popular Second Life virtual reality. The â€Å"home page† of 3dLife is called â€Å"the Library†, a virtual room with virtual books categorized according to the Dewey system. Each book presents a knowledge resource within 3dLife or on the regular World Wide Web.If you pick the book for Pandia, Google will open the Pandia Web site within the frame of a virtual painting hanging on the wall in the virtual library. However, Google admits that many users may find this too complicated. Apparently Google is preparing a new revolutionary product called Google Goggles, an interactive visor which will display Internet content in three dimensions. A 3D mouse lets you move effortlessly in all dimensions. Move the 3D mouse controller cap to zoom, pan and rotate simultaneously. The 3D mouse is a virtual extension of your body – and the ideal way to navigate virtual worlds like Second Life.The Space Navigator is designed for precise control over 3D objects in virtual worlds. Move, fly and build effortlessly without having to think about keyboard commands, which makes the experience more lifelike. Controlling your avatar with this 3D mouse is fluid and effortless. Walk or fly spontaneously, Hands on: Exit Reality: The idea behind ExitReality is that when browsing the web in the old-n-busted 2D version you're undoubtedly using now, you can hit a button to magically transform the site into a 3D environment that you can walk around in and virtually socialize with other users visiting the same site.This shares many of the same goals as Google's Lively (which, so far, doesn't seem so lively), though ExitReality is admittedly attempting a few other tricks. Installation is performed via an executable file which places ExitReality shortcuts in Quick Launch and on the desktop, but somehow forgets to add the necessary ExitReality button to  Firefox's toolbar  . After adding the button manually and repeatedly being told our current version was out of date, we were ready to 3D-ify some websites and see just how much of reality we could leave in two-dimensional ust. Exit Reality is designed to offer different kinds of 3D environments that center around spacious rooms that users can explore and customize, but it can also turn some sites like Flickr i nto virtual museums, hanging photos on virtual walls and halls. Strangely, it's treating Ars Technical as an image gallery and presenting it as a malformed  3D gallery  . 3D Shopping  is the most effective way to shop online. DInternet dedicated years of research and development and has developed the worlds' first fully functional, interactive and collaborative shopping mall where online users can use our 3DInternet's Hyper-Reality technology to navigate and immerse themselves in a Virtual Shopping Environment. Unlike real life, you won't get tired running around a mall looking for that perfect gift; you won't have to worry about your kids getting lost in the crowd; and you can finally say goodbye to waiting in long lines to check out.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Infant Observation Essay Essays

Infant Observation Essay Essays Infant Observation Essay Paper Infant Observation Essay Paper Physical Development SG spent most of the clip the observation was done asleep. When SG was awake though. a few experiments were conducted to prove her physiological reactions. SG showed consistent marks of every physiological reaction except the Stepping. and Tonic cervix physiological reaction. SG was non able to keep her caput up independently yet. and didn’t show any marks of other motor development mileposts ( Berk 2010. 107. ) SG’s eating wonts seemed to be on a agenda with her kiping wonts every bit good. SG was being bottle Federal. She ate shortly after the observation began and awoke once more shortly before the observation ended. Cognitive Development â€Å"Piaget believed that babies and yearlings think with their eyes. ears. custodies. and other sensorimotor equipment† ( Berk 2010. 152. ) On Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage. SG would be classified in sub phase two. This categorization was based on the manner SG would open her oral cavity for a bottle and a conciliator. Besides when SG awoke and needed bottle she would shout until she saw her female parent enter the room. SG’s linguistic communication development merely consisted of weeping and cooing. The baby seemed to merely shout when she needed a diaper alteration or to be fed. Social and Personality Development SG seemed to overall be a happy babe. During the observation the baby showed no marks of gripes. The female parent and male parent of SG were really caring and provided a good stable place for her. SG was non neglected by neither the female parent nor male parent. Both parents seemed to be patient and loving towards the baby. SG would shout when she needed to be fed or have her nappy changed and her female parent would alter it and comfort her weeping. SG was fed twice during the observation. Once at the beginning by her female parent. and subsequently on during the observation by SG’s uncle. The baby took the bottle good when it was given by the female parent. Opposed to when SG’s uncle tried to feed her. she didn’t take the bottle so good at first. SG’s uncle had merely seen her twice earlier. The fact that SG struggled to take the bottle from her uncle shows marks of Erickson’s theory of Trust V misgiving. â€Å"Basic trust versus misgiving consequences in trust when the kid receives sympathetic and loving attention. The leery babe can non number on the kindness and compassion of others. so she protects herself by retreating from people. † ( Berk 2010. 184 ) Important Information learned By detecting Infant SG. I realized that although the parents were demoing a batch of love and compassion by keeping SG they besides may hold deferred some of her motor accomplishments. A kid must be given the chance to construct strength and research their environment. It seemed that they were â€Å"suffocating† her in a manner. Not leting her to develop as rapidly. Which is non needfully a bad thing because she’s a babe. but harmonizing to the text edition SG seems to be a small slow in the developmental procedure. Mention Berk. L. E. ( 2010 ) . Development through the Lifespan. 5th erectile dysfunction. Allyn A ; Bacon.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Night Owl Essays

The Night Owl Essays The Night Owl Essay The Night Owl Essay Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: The Night Owl Introduction In most cases, when people think about visual arts, they only analysis what they see in the form of art. What they really forget is the form of art uses some materials and dimensions of the form of art. This does not mean that they are wrong at looking at the scenes, the beauty or the completion of the form of art. It means that they are only analyzing one part of the art and forgetting to analyze the other part of art. For this fact, the piece of art ‘The Night Owl’ is analyzed deeply since all the elements of visual arts are applied. Discussion The form of art in this piece is a picture. The material used to take this picture is a camera. The materials have brought the elements of the picture clearly for the audience to view. For instance, ‘The Night Owl’ artists drew and painted the picture with the impression that it was at night inside a room. This is extremely impossible for the audience to view at night. However, medium and the materials used in the picture have made it easy for the audience to view. For instance, the medium used to paint this picture has enhanced the lighting of the picture making it possible for the viewers to see the different features in the photo. This lighting in the picture is creating certain effects that were not visual for the common eyes. The texture of the material is extremely smooth since the paper used in pictures is mostly smooth. The feel of touching the picture is very soft. It is because of this softness and smoothness of the picture that certain effects in the picture are easily viewed by the naked eyes. In this case, the materials and medium used in this piece of art have contributed greatly to the success of the piece of work. Despite the texture, the size of the materials also matters a lot. If the picture were small, it would have been difficult for the audience or the viewers to enjoy effects of the picture. The picture is a two-dimension picture. This means that people can only view two sides of the picture, the length and the width. I can relate well to the two-dimensional picture of the owl well. From all my experiences, I have had to deal with the two sides of a coin. There are advantages and disadvantages of every decision made. In this case, the picture only provides the viewers with only two sides. It is only these two-dimension viewers can enjoy the effects and beauty of the picture. The proportion of the picture is even. They owl is placed at the far right bottom corner ensuring that all the other features in the picture are great. Therefore, proportionality of the picture ensures that all the features are visible thus enhancing the effects of the picture. The display of the picture is excellent. The picture being a two-dimension located at the college in room A201, it has made it easy for the viewers to view all the parts they want at ease. However, despite it being small, five inches wide and nine inches long, the viewers can clearly see all the features in the room. The display has created an attraction to the viewers meaning that it is clear for them to evaluate the different effects. The original context of the work is perfect. It is not strenuous to the eyes and all the features and effects of the picture are visible to the human eyes. The lines of the work are very distinct. In this case, the line describes all effects of the picture. In the picture of the owl, there are no motion lines to assume there is movement in the picture. The lines are not thick but they are thin. However, they do not have a width consistency. Additionally, the lines are no straight; they depend on the features of the pictures and the effects. Moreover, they are predominantly horizontal depending on the positioning of the picture. However, there are some brush lines in the picture, which creates the originality of the painting. The picture being evenly placed, the spaces remaining are perfectly filled different features. For instance, in the far top left there is a space filled with the light of the moon and part of the sky. This shows that from where the picture was taken it was possible to create space and show the features of the moon. In this case, the viewers are can note that the picture was taken on a full moon night. The use of space has allowed the picture to convey other features that can tell a story to the viewers. Finally, the color and the lighting of the picture are immense. The colors in the picture are a mixture of warm and cool colors. This colors are describing that the night was cool and there no sudden activities in the picture. The color has described the night very clearly. On the other hand, the warm colors are describing the room and the activities that might be going on. For instance, it can be seen that the owl is calmly placed at the table with the background window showing the night. Therefore, the color creates a calming mood and at the same time, they indicate activities to the viewers who are interested in the picture. On the other hand, the lighting of the picture has been enhanced by the moon. This light is not much because it is at night. There it is uniform and it supports the context of the picture. Therefore, light and color are in supportive of the content of the picture due to the effects they have added to the picture. Conclusion Visual art is extremely interesting when a viewer applies it appropriately. This is because all the effects and the features can be learned. On the other hand, a story can be created from the picture. Finally, a viewer can be able to relate with the story using personal experiences. In the picture, the colors, lighting, display, dimensions, space, medium and the materials used have creating a soothing effect to the views. For example, using the above, the viewers can know that the picture was taken at a full moon night, there were no motions and the features in the picture were calm. Additionally, the viewers are able to observe other activities in the room. Therefore, people should learn that visual art is not only about the beauty of the art, there are other features to be observes and analyzed.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Role of Bushido in Modern Japan

The Role of Bushido in Modern Japan Bushido, or the way of the warrior, is commonly defined as the moral and behavioral code of the samurai. It is often considered a foundation stone of Japanese culture, both by Japanese people and by outside observers of the country. What are the components of bushido, when did they develop, and how are they applied in modern Japan? Controversial Origins of the Concept It is difficult to say exactly when bushido developed. Certainly, many of the basic ideas within bushido- loyalty to ones family and ones feudal lord (daimyo), personal honor, bravery and skill in battle, and courage in the face of death- have likely been important to samurai warriors for centuries. Amusingly, scholars of ancient and medieval Japan often dismiss bushido and call it a modern innovation from the Meiji and Showa eras. Meanwhile, scholars who study Meiji and Showa Japan direct readers to study ancient and medieval history to learn more about the origins of bushido. Both camps in this argument are right, in a way. The word bushido and others like it did not arise until after the Meiji Restoration- that ​is, after the samurai class was abolished. It is useless to look at ancient or medieval texts for any mention of bushido. On the other hand, as mentioned above, many of the concepts included in bushido were present in Tokugawa society. Basic values such as bravery and skill in battle are important to all warriors in all societies at all times, so presumably, even early samurai from the Kamakura period would have named those attributes as important. The Changing Modern Faces of Bushido In the lead-up to World War II, and throughout the war, the Japanese government pushed an ideology called imperial bushido on the citizens of Japan. It emphasized Japanese military spirit, honor, self-sacrifice, and unwavering, unquestioning loyalty to the nation and to the emperor.   When Japan suffered its crushing defeat in that war, and the people did not rise up as demanded by imperial bushido and fight to the last person in defense of their emperor, the concept of bushido seemed to be finished. In the post-war era, only a few die-hard nationalists used the term. Most Japanese were embarrassed by its connections with the cruelty, death, and excesses of World War II. It seemed like the way of the samurai had ended forever. However, beginning in the late 1970s, Japans economy began to boom. As the country grew into one of the major world economic powers in the 1980s, people within Japan and outside of it once again began to use the word bushido. At that time, it came to mean extreme hard work, loyalty to the company that one worked for, and devotion to quality and precision as a sign of personal honor. News organizations even reported on a sort of company-man seppuku, called karoshi, in which people literally worked themselves to death for their companies.   CEOs in the west and in other Asian countries started to urge their employees to read books touting corporate bushido, in an attempt to replicate Japans success. Samurai stories as applied to business, along with Sun Tzus  Art of War  from China, became best-sellers in the self-help category. When the Japanese economy slowed into stagflation in the 1990s, the meaning of bushido in the corporate world shifted once again. It began to signify the peoples brave and stoic response to the economic downturn. Outside of Japan, the corporate fascination with bushido quickly faded. Bushido in Sports Although corporate bushido is out of fashion, the term still crops up regularly in connection with sports in Japan.  Japanese baseball coaches refer to their players as samurai, and the international soccer (football) team is called Samurai Blue. In press conferences, the coaches and players regularly invoke bushido, which is now defined as hard work, fair play, and a fighting spirit. Perhaps nowhere is bushido more regularly mentioned than in the world of martial arts. Practitioners of judo, kendo, and other Japanese martial arts study what they consider to be the ancient principles of bushido as part of their practice (the antiquity of those ideals is debatable, of course, as mentioned above). Foreign martial artists who travel to Japan to study their sport usually are particularly devoted to an ahistorical, but very appealing, version of bushido as a traditional cultural value of Japan. Bushido and the Military The most controversial usage of the word bushido today is in realm of the Japanese military, and in political discussions around the military. Many Japanese citizens are pacifists, and deplore the use of rhetoric that once led their country into a catastrophic global war. However, as troops from Japans Self-Defense Forces increasingly deploy overseas, and conservative politicians call for increasing military power, the term bushido crops up more and more often. Given the history of the last century, military uses of this very militaristic terminology can only inflame relations with neighboring countries including South Korea, China, and the Philippines.   Sources Benesch, Oleg. Inventing the Way of the Samurai: Nationalism, Internationalism, and Bushido in Modern Japan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.Marro, Nicolas. The Construction of a Modern Japanese Identity: A Comparison of Bushido and The Book of Tea,  The Monitor: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 17, Issue1 (Winter 2011).The Modern Re-invention of Bushido, Columbia University website, accessed August 30, 2015.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Five Dysfunctions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Five Dysfunctions - Essay Example They include interdepence among team members, teamwork and affiliation, varied leadership, motivation and trust among members. The decision Tech’s ineffectiveness was as a result of ignorance to the above basic attributes. The dominant aspect which contributed to failure in the company was a poor organizational structure. An organizational culture is a framework of set norms or values which dictate behavior in a particular organization. Individuals are guided by unspoken rules which they must adhere to as members of team. There was lack of effective communication among the executives in the company which created enormous blocks to effective decision making. Members hesitated to give their views, and simultaneously failed to regard other’s opinions. This brought about friction and lack of cohesion in the team where individuals concealed their mistakes and solely blamed the participating decision makers. Issues of diversity were not dealt with since there was minimal or conceited interaction. Consequently, lack of transparency crept in and trust was no more in the team. Decisions made lack foundation as the executive members refrained from responsibility. They evaded meetings and dreaded participating in any activities that demanded collective effort. This weakened the implantation of policies i n the Decision Tech and slowly extinguished the morale’s fire in teamwork. In establishment of team norms in the norming stage, members don’t give in to the vulnerable illusions. They build faith in themselves independently and shun external influences regardless of their origin or the nature of assistance they bring in. They’ve got confidence in the decisions they make and don’t agree to the fact they make mistakes as human beings. Members concede less to pressure and tend to avoid distracting ideas or delayed gestures in making conclusions In Decision Tech, there are behavioral norms which had

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Case Study Example In addition, the company has taken an initiative that basically involves construction of schools and hospitals in the areas where victims of the fire inhabit. This approach can be regarded as corporate social responsibility; it is an imperative approach that has been employed by many major companies overtime and has been associated with various benefits i.e. improving company-clientele relationship et cetera. Taking an analysis of the actions that were taken by the government, it is apparent that they were basically geared towards promoting healthy and safe modes of production in the garment industry. The approach taken by the government that basically involved gradual implementation of safety rules is appropriate. This is due to the fact that the process of implementing rules is usually performed on a gradual basis, as institutions require substantial amount of time to adapt to new rules. However, the major mistake that was made by the government arises from the fact that, the rules should have been formulated and implemented before beginning production processes in the garment

Advanced Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advanced Financial Reporting - Essay Example Another way of achieving growth is through Merger and Acquisition (abbreviated as M&A). The former is also known is organic growth where the firm uses its own resources (retained earnings, reserves and surplus, or equity capital) for financing growth. The later is also known as inorganic growth where the acquirer firm buys the assets and liabilities of the target(s) as on a given date (Sherman, 2010, p.1). Thus, M&A are external growth strategy that gains popularity mainly due to globalization. It has become an important an important way for firms to expand their product portfolios and gaining new markets. M&A also helps the firm’s to acquire knowledge, latest technology and improved management capabilities. In addition, M&A has been found to be extremely successful for specific sectors like pharmaceuticals where extensive Research & Developments are required. R&D does not only require huge capital investment but also requires knowledge in relevant areas so that the target pro duct remains competent on global scale (Kumar and Yadav, 2005, pp.51-63). The main motive for any M&A is to experience a synergy in existing operations as well as profitability of the firms. However, it is also important to note that not all M&A have been successful in the past and thus some failed to maximise values leading to huge capital losses (Frensch, 2007, pp.48-49). In July 2013, TD Travel of Cheshire acquired Hotel scene, the hotel booking agency of Bristol and consequently created a new entity by rebranding called Corporate Travel International. The combined entity is expected to boost revenues for both the companies to over ?100 million and also employ more than 160 staff across different units. With reference to the above recent acquisition, the objective of this study is to discuss with reasons as to why such business combination has taken place and also explain the probable consequences or problems that the companies might face in future. Merger & Acquisition Strategy As on July 12, 2013, TD Travel completed the acquisition of Hotel Scene. The acquirer in this case is TD Travel where as the acquired is Hotel scene. The deal was finance and backed by private equity investment firm LDC. The acquisition is expected to create one of the largest and independent corporate travel and booking agent entity of UK. The companies have decided to re-brand the combined business into Corporate Travel International. It is also expected that such M&A will create a synergy that can boost the revenues of the new combined business entity of over ?100 million. The companies are also expecting to employ over 160 staffs in different branches located across London, Liverpool, Wilmslow, Bristol, and Hull. From the press release of the company it was found that the director of LDC is very optimistic about the M&A and has recommended the deal. He also believes that the management team of TD Travel is very experienced and motivated and thus holds immense potential to take t he new entity to the next level of stimulating growth trajectory. Regarding the financing of the deal, a package of working capital and senior debt facilities was provided by Lloyds Banking Group’s Finance and Acquisition team. The negotiation was primarily led by Relationship Director of TD Travel, Richard Townsend. The responsibilities of lead manager and advisory of the deal was given to BDO LLP which is also one of the most reputed Accountancy and Business

Research Notetaking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Notetaking - Assignment Example to more readily irrigate land in Mexican territory- in 1904 the company excavated a more direct opening at a site a few miles south of the California/Mexico border† (Wiltshire, Gilbert and Rogers 2) Jackson relates that the roots of the Hoover Dam project stretch deep into a long-term goal by the private sector to secure the irrigation of the Imperial Valley in the southern section of California. These efforts can be traced back to the 1900’s, when such irrigation aims became central to the existence of the Colorado Development Company. The successful early efforts resulted in a large tract of the Imperial Valley being nicely irrigated. There were problems however with canal siltation, even when the valley was being successfully irrigated, so that the firm had to redouble its efforts building another canal on top of the original canal that tapped the Colorado River and connected the valley to it (Wiltshire, Gilbert and Rogers 2). â€Å"Constructed in the 1930s, the concrete arch-gravity structure was intended to prevent flooding as well as provide much-needed irrigation and hydroelectric power to arid regions of states like California and Arizona. It was originally known as Boulder Dam, but was renamed in 1947 in honor of Herbert Hoover, who as U.S. secretary of commerce and the 31st U.S. president proved instrumental in getting the dam built. At 726 feet high and 1,244 feet long, Hoover Dam was one of the largest man-made structures in the world at the time of its construction, and one of the worlds largest producers of hydroelectric power† (A&E Television Networks). The History Channel notes that the Hoover Dam was originally named Boulder Dam, but that in 1947 the dam was renamed to honor the late President Edgar Hoover. Hoover was also US Commerce Secretary, and it was Hoover who was credited with having done a substantial part of the work to erect the iconic structure to the benefit of the people of states like Arizona and California. For those states,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Historical research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Historical - Research Paper Example The main objective of the self-strengthening movement in China was to restore values, implied by the term strength, to the weakened country through the introduction of western learning and technology. Kim (2004) identified that students, both at home and abroad, acquire western languages, thoughts and science. Shipyards, arsenals and factories, were based on the western models. Indeed, self-strengthening movement influenced uniquely to the cultural, social, economic and political situation in China (Twitchett 129). The period between 1861 and 1895 is referred self-strengthening movement period of institutional reforms started during the late Qing Dynasty after a series of concessions and military defeat to foreign powers. Most of the ruling elites still subscribed to a conservative Confucian worldview. However, with China’s serious defeats in the first and second Opium Wars, officials debated on the way forward. Kim (2004) pointed out that the officials argued that in order to reinforce itself against the West, the adoption of western military armaments and technology was inevitable. They agreed that shipyards and arsenal shall be established and to hire foreign advisers to enlighten Chinese artisans to fabricate such wares in China (Fairbank 37). Kim (2004) divided the activities of the movement into three phases. The first phase, which lasted from 1861 to 1872, accentuated the adoption of western machines, scientific knowledge, firearms, training of diplomatic and technical personnel through the development of a diplomatic college and office. The second phase lasted from 1872 to 1885. This phase concentrated its attention on modernizing industries, agriculture and commerce as well as to the creation of wealth in an attempt to strengthen the economy (Pong 79). Finally, during the third phase, which occurred between 1885 and 1895, modernization

Is it important for managers in youth work to have an understanding of Essay

Is it important for managers in youth work to have an understanding of the concept of organisation culture Why, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of th - Essay Example Taking all of the criteria into consideration, I feel that the answer to the question is yes for the reasons presented in this paper. Anderson writes about this concept and other in "Imagined Communities". He takes the premise and considers it in the context of nationalism. Anderson contends, "Nationality, nation-ness, and nationalism are cultural artifacts whose creation toward the end of the 18th C was the spontaneous distillation of a complex ''crossing'' of discrete historical forces; but that, once created, they became ''modular,'' capable of being transplanted to a great variety of social terrains, to merge and be merged with a variety of political and ideological constellations. Theorists of nationalism have encountered three paradoxes: (1)The objective modernity of nations in the eye of the historian vs. their subjective antiquity in the eye of nationalists. (2) The formal universality of nationality as a socio-cultural concepts vs. the particularity of its concrete manifestations. (3) The political power of nationalism vs. its philosophical poverty. (Anderson URL http://ssr1.uchicago.edu/PRELIMS/Culture/cumisc1.html 2005) What Anderson says that applies to management and youth work is that there are clearly defined boundaries and common interests that have been derived from common circumstances. Through a managers understanding of this and implementation of this philosophy to their youth work an organisational culture can be formed and maintained. In order to understand an organisational culture beyond the premise of nationalism takes some understanding of society and the ways that people identify themselves within a given society. The consideration we are concerned with for this discussion is managements understanding of organization culture for youth work. Youth work is the process of creating an environment where young people can engage in informal educational activities. The concept of organizational culture is an important concept in youth work and a clear understanding of it by management will provide strength to the youth organizations implemented by management. The premise of organizational culture can only enhance any management position including youth work. Organizational culture can be thought of as the values, beliefs and customs of an organization. However many managers, especially youth managers, do not understand what the actual values and beliefs of their organization is. By gaining, an understanding of the factors that encompass organizational culture an organization can only benefit from a clear understanding of it. However, if the factors that make up organizational culture are not clearly defined or understood weakness within the organization can and most likely will result. Pollitt (1993) points out that organizational culture and its tenets are especially important in public services. There are several reasons for this and the main one is that public services encompass all of a society not just one sector of it. Although the specific interest of this discussion involves youth work that type of work ultimately effects and influences society. Polit explains, a single definition of organizational culture has proven to be very elusive. No one definition of organizational culture has emerged in the literature. One of the issues involving culture is that is defined in terms of its both causes and effect. Pollitt 1993 URL

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Historical research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Historical - Research Paper Example The main objective of the self-strengthening movement in China was to restore values, implied by the term strength, to the weakened country through the introduction of western learning and technology. Kim (2004) identified that students, both at home and abroad, acquire western languages, thoughts and science. Shipyards, arsenals and factories, were based on the western models. Indeed, self-strengthening movement influenced uniquely to the cultural, social, economic and political situation in China (Twitchett 129). The period between 1861 and 1895 is referred self-strengthening movement period of institutional reforms started during the late Qing Dynasty after a series of concessions and military defeat to foreign powers. Most of the ruling elites still subscribed to a conservative Confucian worldview. However, with China’s serious defeats in the first and second Opium Wars, officials debated on the way forward. Kim (2004) pointed out that the officials argued that in order to reinforce itself against the West, the adoption of western military armaments and technology was inevitable. They agreed that shipyards and arsenal shall be established and to hire foreign advisers to enlighten Chinese artisans to fabricate such wares in China (Fairbank 37). Kim (2004) divided the activities of the movement into three phases. The first phase, which lasted from 1861 to 1872, accentuated the adoption of western machines, scientific knowledge, firearms, training of diplomatic and technical personnel through the development of a diplomatic college and office. The second phase lasted from 1872 to 1885. This phase concentrated its attention on modernizing industries, agriculture and commerce as well as to the creation of wealth in an attempt to strengthen the economy (Pong 79). Finally, during the third phase, which occurred between 1885 and 1895, modernization

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

God and Mephistopheles Essay Example for Free

God and Mephistopheles Essay In the prologue of Faust, Mephisto entered into agreement with the Lord. What are the terms of the agreement, and how does he go about attempting to win? What exactly does achieve in the process? In the beginning of the tragedy there is a dialogue between God and Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles says that people can’t use their mind in the right way. God argues and gives an example of Faust’s serving to Him and to people. Then Mephistopheles asks permission to put Faust on any trial because he wants to prove that Faust will fail. He obtains such permission but God is sure that Faust will feel the right way and that he will be saved. So, the struggle for Faust’s soul begins. As Faust is anxious about finding the highest sense of life, Mephistopheles wants to show the delights to Faust. They deal that if the scientist wants a moment to stay forever, he will be Mephistopheles’ servant. He tries to tempt him with the help of beautiful women Margaret and then Helen, but Faust can’t get a full happiness with them. The author reveals this idea by Helen’s words while her disappearing: â€Å"Alas, the ancient word proves true for me, as well: That joy and beauty never lastingly unite. † Mephistopheles also tries to arouse Faust’s desire to glory and worship but these attempts have no success. Finally Faust wishes the moment to stay forever, but Mephistopheles doesn’t win. It happens when he is building dam in order to help the people who suffer from floods. This wish is altruistic and that’s why Faust is saved. He finds the highest sense of life in common action that is necessary for everybody and that is realized by everybody. Outline some of the themes in Faust, and explain one briefly. In my opinion, it is possible to outline such themes of the tragedy as struggle between good and evil that occurs at global and private levels, the failure of the human ambitions to control and to change the nature and the natural phenomenon, the eternal search of the highest sense of life. The last theme is the main one of the tragedy, because Faust is anxious about getting absolute happiness. The temptations that Mephistopheles proposed to Faust couldn’t bring real and lasting joy. It means that people can hardly be happy when they rely on the things that pass soon as feeling in love and using the power upon people and glory. Feeling in love is wonderful, but it doesn’t guarantee the happiness. People are selfish and they do harm to their nearest very often. The example of the relationships between Faust and Margaret confirms this thought, because the main character’s selfish desire was a reason of Margaret death and the murders of her mother, child and brother. So, the idea of serving to people is contrasted to the selfish wishes of people. Faust was saved because his final deed was philanthropic. By the example of Faust Goethe shows us that a person always feel deep inside what is right and what is wrong but unfortunately it doesn’t mean that everybody finds the true sense of life. Compare and contrast the uses and/or criticism of religion in Hamlet and Faust. The Hamlet’s problem contains more philosophic and social aspects than religious ones. He struggles with the time he lives in and tries to improve it but he fails. Unsuccessful attempts of changing the world that doesn’t fit with Hamlet’s ideals results his fatalism and the final events of the tragedy. Hamlet doubts in the right of the events of global concern and that’s why his attitude towards religion is also doubtful. In his main monologue Hamlet supposes that death is a means of solving the problems of life. This thought doesn’t fit to the Christian ideas which had to be close for him. To my mind, the ideas of â€Å"Faust† are opposite to the ones of â€Å"Hamlet†. Goethe develops the plot of the tragedy with the help of such characters as God and Mephistopheles that demonstrates the authors’ persuasion that people are ruled by the supernatural essences. The fact that Faust is working on New Testament’s translation also reveals the idea of constant interaction between people and God. Goethe thinks that serving to people and serving to God are equal virtues. The fact that Mephistopheles couldn’t win the agreement also confirms the religious idea of constant victory of good. The main characters of the world literature’s masterpieces Hamlet and Faust are compared with each other frequently. Their personalities are alike because both of them try to struggle with the world order and challenge the destiny. Faust is going to know all the secrets of nature and his way to improve his own life and the whole world is scientific. What about Hamlet, he broadens the tragedy of his family to a global scale that’s why his thoughts about injustice concern not only his uncle but the human’s life. The first of act of Hamlet reveals that the ghost of his father assigns Hamlet an ambiguous duty. What are these duties, and using the text effectively, explain the one you think Hamlets satisfied? In the first act Hamlet knows from the Ghost of his father that he was killed and the Ghost asks him to revenge to Hamlet’s uncle for this murder. Though, the most important thing while revenging is to keep the soul innocent: â€Å"But, howsoever thou pursuest this act, Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive Against thy mother aught†¦Ã¢â‚¬  To my mind, Hamlet couldn’t execute such necessary conditions. Finally he revenges to Claudius, but as a result not only Hamlet’s mother died. Ophelia, Laertes, Polonius also became victims of the revenge. In the beginning the Hamlet’s soul doubted about the ways of the vengeance and he suffered a lot from these doubts, but the view of warriors has a great influence on him. The warriors are going to fight because of the land that their ruler doesn’t want to rent. The fact that twenty thousands of people are going to die because the honor of the king is wounded makes him decide that his thoughts and actions should be bloody and ruthless. He can’t keep his soul clear because, to my mind, his fault for the deaths of people that are close to him finally destroys his conscience.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Stem Cell Treatment in Age-Related Macular Degeneration AMD

Stem Cell Treatment in Age-Related Macular Degeneration AMD Background: Age-Related Macular degeneration (AMD) is a painless disease that usually affects people over the age of 60. The Macular is the part of the fundus which is responsible for the patients central vision which allows them to see in fine detail and aids in facial object recognition. The patients peripheral vision is not affected so AMD does not result in complete blindness. The diagram shows the positions of the main structures inside a normal healthy eye such as the macula optic nerve. The general symptoms that a patient with AMD would experience are: Â   Â   Â   Blurred central vision distortion reduction in contrast sensitivity blind spots (scotomas) hallucinations (occasionally, more common in Wet AMD) (Symptoms taken from www.nhs.uk website) There are 2 types of AMD, Wet and Dry, the clinical presentations and the symptoms the patient experiences differ. Wet AMD occurs when the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) underneath the retina at the macula thickens and then breaks. The oxygen supply to the macula is disrupted and the body responds by abnormally growing new blood vessels through the RPE towards the macula to help increase oxygen supply, this can cause the macula to appear raised. The new vessels are fragile and poor quality so leak or bleed. This causes atrophy to the macula which results in rapid decline in central vision. Wet AMD is the most sight threatening of the 2 types as once the vision has be lost it cannot be regained again but there are treatments that can help slow the progression of the disease such as Anti-VEGF injections which stop/slow the growth of the new abnormal vessels. (www.nhs.uk) Dry AMD is the most common form of AMD, around 90% of cases. The clinical presentation of dry AMD is drusen appearing at or around the macula area. Drusen looks like white/yellow dots, they can be small and well defined or large and blurred margins. Drusen occurs as the eye may have a problem with disposing waste from the photoreceptors and so calcium and lipid deposits build up. The retinal pigment epithelium layer may thin and the drusen will push through. The drusen then causes photoreceptor death/degeneration causing atrophy of the retina. This is when the patients vision will start to reduce. It is a much slower disease process than wet AMD, it can be a couple of months before the patient experiences any symptoms relative to dry AMD. (www.AMD.org) Normal Fundus Wet AMD Dry AMD Stem Cells: Stem cells are undifferentiated cells which can differentiate into specialised cells such as muscle, skin and bone cells. In mammals there are 2 types of stem cells this depends on the source which they are taken from; these are embryos which are 4-5 days old in the blastocyst phase and in adult tissues throughout the body such as bone marrow, the brain and skeletal muscle tissue. (www.medicalnewstoday.com) The first trial was on 2 patients who were in late stage of AMD; they underwent immunosuppressive treatment to reduce a negative response to the new stem cells. The embryonic source is chosen for this treatment, the researchers used mouse skin cells to help the stem cells to differentiate into retinal cells. They are then purified so not contaminated by mouse cells. These purified retinal cells are then made into a 1ml solution and injected into only one eye (this is done in trials as they dont know if the treatment will have a damaging or successful effect on the eye). The general results from this trial were good; one patient had Stargardts macular dystrophy that before treatment could only see hand motions but 2 weeks after transplant was able to count fingers with only the eye that had the transplant carried out in it. Their vision continued to improve over the next 3 months. (www.nhs.uk, Bazian January 2012.) Structure Abstract/Intro -Short intro about what a stem cell and age related macular degeneration is. -Aim of dissertation; what I want to achieve through the dissertation as a whole. -Should be roughly 1 page. Stem cells -More detail on what they are. -Different types of stem cells; explain where they are found and when they would be used. -What type of AMD does this treat and why? Age-Related macular Degeneration -Background on both types (containing the anatomy of the eye, normal/abnormal) -Causes -Epidemiology -Pathogenesis -Pathology -Prevention -Treatments (current and new) Potential of stem cell -How do the stem cells differentiate to photoreceptors RPE cells? How well does it do this? -How well does the trials transfer from animals to humans? -What is the success of these trials? Discussion -Does this look like a viable treatment for AMD? -Could it be used for either wet/dry or just one? -What are the advantages/disadvantages? -Ethical argument in using stem cells from embryos. Conclusion Perspective -What I think of the whole argument for and against the treatment -Do I think it is a viable and effective treatment? -Do the results from trials back up the theory and argument for stem cells? New research -How have the trials been taken further? -Has any improvements or adjustments been made? E.g. Have administration methods or cell culturing methods changed? References Projected Timetable of Work 30/11/16 Sections 1, 2 ; Abstract, Stem cells What is AMD. 31/12/16 Section 4; Potential of stem cells in the treatment of AMD. 31/01/17 Section 5; Discussion. 28/02/17 Section 6 7; Conclusion/Perspective New research. 31/03/17 Section 8; References. Dissertation Complete, to be proof read and bound. 13/04/17 Final Hand in Date. References: www.amd.org/what-is-macular-degeneration/dry-amd/ www.cnib.ca www.medicalnewstoday.com www.nhs.uk/conditions/macular-degeneration/pages/introduction.aspx www.nhs.uk/news/2012/01January/Pages/embyonic-stem-cell-trial-macular-degeneration.aspx, Stem cell therapy safe for eye condition. January 24, 2012. Analysis by Bazian, edited by NHS Choices. rgw.com Webeye.ophth.uiowa.edu

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Abortion is a Womans Choice Essay -- Abortion, Argumentative, Pro-Cho

Today, abortion is a big issue concerning women because for years it had been said that abortion should not be legal. Many people feel aborting an unwanted child, or killing an unwanted child should be against the law. Many people don’t’ know what abortion is, who can receive abortions, and why people would even choose to get them. I feel as though a woman’s body is her own to do with what ever she wants. Therefore, on the topic of abortions, I am pro-choice. First of all, before a person makes a decision about abortions, they should know exactly what it is. The dictionary defines Abortion as: The termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. This simply means, inducing birth to kill the fetus, or baby before it is carried to full ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Patriotism and Its Meaning Essay -- Definition Patriot National Essays

Patriotism and Its Meaning In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States we are seeing many forms of Patriotism. I was suprised to find when I researched this word that it had a negative feeling associated with it. I believe that patriotism is actively showing your support for your country, standing up for what you believe in, and fighting for our individual free will and independence. I am proud of my country and I am not ashamed to fly the American Flag. Many men and women have died to give me the freedoms that I take for granted. I applaud their patriotism, and I thank them for giving me my way of life. I will support them in protecting my country. I will try to elect officials who believe in the issues I do, and who work for the better good o...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Firefighter Employment Scenario Essay

Although it’s not clear in the story whether an associates degree is a precondition for taking the exam, in your opinion, should a degree be a requirement to sit for the exam? Yes Why or why not? A Fire science degree should be a requirement to take the test. It shows that the fire fighter it trying to improve him or her self and become more knowledgeable of their craft. It also shows that they are committed to their career. Working and going to school is not an easy thing to do. Like the question states we do not know if the degree is required to sit the exam, if not stated as a requirements, then the degree should not be a factor in the selection process. Based on the fact that Doug and Sam earned the first and second highest test scores, is it a reasonable assumption that the city of Davis will add Doug and Sam to the certification list? Yes Why or why not? According to what we know of the information provided they should both be on the list. They have both meet the requirements to sit for the exam and scored the two best scores. Can the City successfully defend itself on the basis of â€Å"disparate impact?† Yes Why or why not? The city did will not effect anyone of a protected class, under Title VII Once disparate impact is established, the employer must justify the continued use of the procedure or procedures causing the adverse impact as a â€Å"business necessity.† Under what circumstances may racial discrimination be proved by â€Å"disparate impact?† One does not need to be direct about the discrimination. Example would be â€Å"Whites only need to apply†.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

French Revolutin DBQ

The French Revolution of 1789 caused many changes in the social, political, and economical world of France. The French Revolution sparked the beginning for many new reforms in France that were previously unavailable to the 3rd estate. The things that led up to the French revolution were all caused from within the social, political, and economic world of France. The Social causes for the French Revolution were varied. One such problem was the well being of the 3rd estate.According to Travels in France by Arthur Young the conditions of the 3rd estate were terrible as people could not purchase bread due to the high prices and the ragged conditions of the children (Document #1). Because of these factors the people were forced to fight each other for a piece of bread alone. Another problem was the middle class’ knowledge of the Enlightenment. According to The French Revolution historian Albert Mathiez, the middle class’ knowledge of the Enlightenment made them start the revo lution rather than the unintelligent working class (Document #3).The social world of France was a front for the revolution to begin because of the people who were mistreated by the government. The political reasons for the Revolution were also varied. One such reason was the signing of the Declaration of Independence. According to Lord Acton, the spark supplied by the signing of the Declaration of Independence was the cause of the French Revolution (Document #5).Another reason was the 3rd estates demands of the monarchy. Some of their demands were to lower the taxes assigned to them, have definite meeting times, and take votes by head (Document #3). The political state of France did not fare well in preventing the revolution. Finally the Economic reasons for the revolution were less varied than the others but just as important. One economical reason for the revolution was the unfair taxes to the 3rd estate.A chart of the tax and land ownership percentage in the 1700’s clearly shows how much more the 3rd estate was being taxed than the 1st or 2nd estate (Document #2). The economical causes for the revolution most likely set off the 3rd estate when their request for a tax change was denied. In conclusion the French Revolution was a result of the three different worlds of Frances system: Economy, Social, and Politics. The changes caused by the Revolution paved way for modern France and spelled out a new era for France.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Book Review: War! What Is It Good For?

Putting 100 years in respective and compare the 100, 200 million people died from a population of 10 billion which makes a percentage of 1 to 2 who died violently. Those born in the 20th century are lucky as the average of violent death is 10 times less compare to those born in Stone Age. This text has one of the greatest paradoxes of human history as it states that war has made the world much safer now. War Is considered as a massive murder and claiming that it has a positive consequence In not right, but the author argues to It as the philosopher Thomas Hobbes once concluded the same In the 1640 urine the English Call war.Archeology has shown that people has been killing themselves for about 50000 years and their population Just Increase by twice but during the Ice age 10000 BC where there were less wars, the plant and animal multiplied themselves at a very high rate. Before 10000 BC all humans had been hunters and after 10000 BC human started farming. Later something unusual happe n, the stronger started to include the weaker into larger societies. Slowly from Egypt to Peru many were adopting this method.The stronger understood that to cake lager societies they need to make a stronger government and this was done by suppressing violence among the subjects. Those who govern stop killing the well behaved as they are easier to govern and taxed that those who are violent thus, this has resulted into a 90% decrease in violent death. It Is true that not all government is good at delivering peace. Dictators Like Heelers, Stall's, Mass and Did Malls, tend to shoot, stave and gas a lot of people to make things done. Thus war has made states and states have made peace.War may not be a pleasant way of making larger and useful societies but it was the only way that human have found. The author argues that if conflicts could have been argued and resolved by discussion, human could have greatly benefited from it. The author added that people uses war as a way to make gover nment. The larger and safer the societies the richer the government. Peace can result in economical growth. So in a way war has enriched the world. The author concluded that somehow war has been beneficial as it has brought bigger societies, stronger government and bring peace and prosperity in the societies.Nowadays, people live twice as those in 10000 years before. War has not Just bring peace and wealth but also made us good at fight more efficiently organized and bigger destructive weapons. Book Review: War! What Is It Good For? By perplex The atrocity of war cannot be overstated but, Ian Morris gives a different view about it. In 1945, mostly 100 million people died and the nuclear war begun. Between the First World War and civil war it is said to be the worst but also the best time of states that war has made the world much safer now.War is considered as a massive ruder and claiming that it has a positive consequence in not right, but the author argues to it as the philosopher Thomas Hobbes once concluded the same in the 1640 during the English Civil war. Archeology has shown that people has been killing themselves for about 50000 years and their population Just increase by twice but during the ice age 10000 BC where there were less wars, the plant and animal has resulted into a 90% decrease in violent death. It is true that not all government is good at delivering peace. Dictators like Hitless, Stalin, Mass and Did Mains, tend to

Managerial Economics Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managerial Economics Article - Essay Example Huettner discusses the L&L Enterprises v. U.S Brass, a case in which the plaintiff held that the copper pipes and polybutylene pipes comprised of different antitrust product markets. On the other hand the defendant held that both copper pipes and polybutylene pipes were in similar antirust product market. Nonmetals, both the plaintiff and the defendant based their arguments on the provisions and guidelines by the Department of Justice. A wide range of microeconomic, antitrust economic as well as managerial economic literature contend that there lacks quantitative standard upon which close substitutes could be defined. Thus, practitioner divergence reflects the prevailing failure of economic theory to offer a quantitative definition of close substitutes. According to various economists, prices of close substitutes should keep track of each other such that they should have one price existing in the market. Nonetheless, practitioners are opposed to this rule. Perhaps, this explains why there has been unceasing controversy regarding the one-price rule in reference to Sun operating systems and Microsoft operating systems which sell at prices about 50 and 100 percent respectively, yet they are close substitutes. Basing on this argument, the author concludes that the one-price rule should be applied to close substitutes. This implies that close substitutes should have the same price, a price ration of one and should track each other closely over time. In addition, close substitutes should have a cross-price elasticity of unity. On the other hand, products that are not close substitutes should not keep track of each other closely over time. They should also have unequal prices as well as price ratio that differ from unity. Huettner, David A. "Antitrust Bulletin Product market definition in antitrust cases when products are close substitutes or close complements.†. Highbeam Business,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Essay

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management - Essay Example They needed to disprove men’s suspicions that they could be efficient workers. Men were surprised at the skills women were learning at such a fast rate that they were usually at a loss as to what orders to give them. Women were initially trained to the same standard as men, but employers eventually didn’t want to hire fully trained women because they received better pay, which upset the trained male workers, causing friction in the workplace. The government tried to remedy this problem by reducing the length of training courses for women, which inevitably resulted in the occurrence of work-based accidents among women. The government also entered into the ‘relaxation agreements’ with trade unionists, which stated that women could undertake men’s jobs as long as they were regarded as temporary and were paid the same as men. The predominantly male trade unions, therefore, initially looked like they truly wanted equal pay and equality for women, but in r eality, they were merely trying to protect the traditional working rights of men. Yet, when faced with discrimination, the majority of women continued to work hard to gain their superiors’ respect and often carried out their jobs to a higher standard than their male equivalents (Trueman, 2000). The new millennium has ushered overwhelming changes that call for the empowerment of men and women alike to contribute to globalization efforts. Women, in particular, have seen the change in their roles more dramatically than in the past centuries. The most salient change is their joining the workforce and even climbing up the hierarchy to positions in organizations that were previously reserved for men. However, sexual stereotypes passed on from generation to generation seem to dictate that women have no place in the workforce and their rightful place is at home, caring for their family. Thus, some work places may not be too accepting of the empowerment of women in employment and may strip them of their dignity to make them realize that they do not belong there. In the United Kingdom, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (amended 1986 and in the Employment Act 1989) makes it unlawful to discriminate in terms of gender who is offered the job; opportunities for promotion, transfer and training. (Equal Opportunities Management Guidelines, 2006). The Gender Equality Duty, which is included in the new law as of April 2007, requires public entities to remove sex discrimination and facilitate equality in all their services, policies, and employment and recruitment practices (Thompsons Solicitors, 2012). Presently, women now can occupy positions even in professions considered male-dominated. Many researchers try to prove that women are more responsible and hard working and can perform with more efficiency than their male counterparts. However, there appears to be a constant conflict between mutually beneficial relationships and contemporary situations, where males dominate t he social, political and professional spheres (Taylor, Kemeny, Reed, Bower, & Grunewald, 2000). Many women claim that they have fewer opportunities to succeed in their work than men do and have to exert greater effort in order to be promoted in their jobs. Men are more readily employed and more supported by their employers than women (Bergman, 2003). Research funded by the European Commission showed that generally women who work full-time, receive only three-fourths of the hourly earnings of men.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

DiSC Personality Sssessment Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DiSC Personality Sssessment - Research Proposal Example How important is it that a persons' DISC Profile match up with the perceived needs of a particular job I wish to address this problem specifically within the context of a teacher's perception of a secondary principal in his or her role of leading teachers through the change process. This could serve as a useful tool in improving the performance of a secondary principal or even help in defining the actual expectations for a particular position. From this basic research, many more meaningful studies could come about. The problem is that we wish to understand what teachers need from the secondary principal in terms of DISC traits and if these perceived needs have the potential to be fulfilled within the actual relationship. We could discover if it is in some way helpful to use the DISC Profile in identifying future candidates and delineate which particular qualities in the candidate make them most appropriate. The study could be used as an aide to modify the performance of an existing principal by identifying key areas for improvement. The purpose of the study is to determine if there is any correlation between a teacher's perspective of DISC Profile personality traits of an ideal secondary principal and the actual results of DISC analysis of a secondary principal... One provocative theory is that the teachers know best about which personality traits a principal must possess in order to achieve success in leading them through the change process. In an ideal situation, these expectations would be fully realized during the change and correlate closely with the actual DISC assessment of a successful principal. This is the most tempting possibility because it is the simplest and most straightforward. It lends credence to the idea that there is a high degree of correlation between expectations and outcome. When the project is moving along according to plan, then it is an excellent indicator that all is well. Further investigation is required only when the performance is unsatisfactory. The DISC analysis is a useful tool because it is geared towards self-improvement and personal growth. In this study, discrepancies between actual and perceived DISC traits could be revealing in such a way that would allow a secondary principal to achieve his or her full potential. If from a teacher's perspective a secondary principal was lacking in some critical personality trait and this conflicted with his or her DISC Profile, then that might indicate the capacity and need for change. The DISC Profile could act as a common ground between all of the individuals involved in the process and provide direction for increasing the effectiveness of the project as a whole. The methodology of this research study would involve the distribution, collection, and analysis of a DISC type personality trait inventory sent to teachers and comparison of these inventories to an actual DISC Profile completed by the secondary principal. As a model for the study, one local high school would be selected to participate based on interest and the ability to

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Managing Information Technology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing Information Technology - Case Study Example Unfortunately IBM started to face a plunging decrease in its profit margins around mid 1980s. Some of the concluded reasons by analysts are, Bureaucratic and slow-moving setup. Reluctance in revamping of old business strategies. Wrong assessment of business risks etc. According to study conducted by Drucker (1993), The fourth of the deadly business sins is slaughtering tomorrow's opportunity on the altar of yesterday. It is what derailed IBM. IBM's downfall was paradoxically caused by unique success: IBM's catching up, almost overnight, when Apple brought out the first PC in the mid-1970s. This feat actually contradicts everything everybody now says about the company's "stodginess" and its bureaucracy." But then when IBM had gained leadership in the new PC market, it subordinated this new and growing business to the old cash cow, the mainframe computer. This stage came after a career IBMer John Akers took over the charge of the company in the year 1985. In his tenure several downsizi ng attempts from the administration of the company came as a result. The statistics related to downsizing can be observed in Table 1. Table 1: The IBM Timeline from 1970 to 1994. YEARS PROGRESS AT IBM. 1970s IBM owns about 70% of the computer market share. ... Louis V. Gerstner an outsider took over the control of the company after him as per the IBM board’s decision. Despite various attempt at downsizing the company was still going in loss. It had become essential that further downsizing of employees be done in order to secure the income of the company. The Gerstner early years witnessed a mild rise in the income but the trend was not consistent. The same is evident in Figure 1. KEY POINTS AND ISSUES: An account of the issues and problems facing by the company can be evaluated by reviewing its establishment in the State of Indiana. During the year 1992 Indiana reduced the number of its employees about 30%. The declining states of the company’s economy made Michael W. Wiley (General Manager Operations for the state of Indiana) foresee another cut in the number of employees at the organization. This however was not affordable, as the threshold of downsizing was already achieved and loosing competent workforce would cause bigge r losses to the company. In 1993 John Frank, then operations manager for IBM’s Indiana offices came up with the idea of substituting the reduction of personnel with the downsizing of real estate holding of the company at the state of Indiana. He proposed the idea of furnishing employees with the technology so that they can work from home. The idea was termed as TELECOMMUTING. TELECOMMUTING The idea of Telecommuting was new to the firm. While every other country office of the IBM was reducing staff Indiana was trying their hands at a new technique. The executive Vice president for Indiana Operations was the first one to empty his office from the Bank One Tower in Indianapolis. General Manager Operations Frank

Friday, October 4, 2019

Reflective account of your own strengths and weaknesses of academic Essay

Reflective account of your own strengths and weaknesses of academic literacy competence for undertaking this course - Essay Example Yet another area where I am confident about my performance is my computer knowledge. In fact, I possess good keyboard skills. I am good in using analysis and presentation tools for various purposes that will immensely help me in my employability skills. In addition, I have the ability to learn various computer operations, and hence, computer literacy will be a positive point in my employability. However, the area where I lag behind is the ability to comprehend what I read. I think this happens because of my poor reading habit and skills. I think this lack of ability is going to have an adverse impact on my researches if not solved. Probably as a result of this, I find it difficult to do academic writing. My research skills are rather weak because firstly, I find it difficult to gather information, and secondly, I find it difficult to synthesise the information I collect. As a result, even if I collect a lot of information, my research ends up fruitless. There are certain areas related to research that I will have to improve if I want to improve my research. The very first thing is locating useful information, because â€Å"research strategies are as friendly as a puppy, as informative as a friend’s diary, and as helpful as a personal valet† (Badke , 2004, p. 176). I need to work a lot in improving my ability to reach useful information. It will have to be followed by learning how to organise what I have collected. As I possess poor study skills, what I do is to end up with a mixture of information from various sources that are not arranged appropriately. Another point that requires improvement is my ability to evaluate the information I collect. It often happens that I fail to collect relevant information and collect irrelevant ones. However, the most important problem I need to solve is my interpretation of the collected information. Probably due to my poor reading skills, my interpretation is often biased or

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Macbeth vs Hamlet Essay Example for Free

Macbeth vs Hamlet Essay Both Hamlet and Macbeth (the plays) are considered tragedies and both main characters are considered tragic heroes so you might begin there with your comparison. One of Hamlets problems in the play is that he takes a long time to seek the revenge he promised his fathers ghost that he would seek. He tends to overthink matters. Macbeth, on the other hand, tends to act very quickly and rashly. Hamlet is a generally likeable character and dies a heroic death having finally fulfilled the promise to his fathers ghost. Macbeth however, dies a far less noble death as he is considered a murderous tyrant by the end of the play. I suggest that you follow the links below for further help. One way of looking at it is through the lens of honor. Both Macbeth and Hamlet fight and ultimately are killed, but only one is honorable Hamlet. While Macbeth kills many people in pursuit of becoming King, Hamlet delays killing his Uncle because of philosophical concerns and doubts about what is the right thing to do and how to do it. Hamlet finally is able to avenge his fathers death, but dies honorably in the process. In contrast, Macbeth also dies, and although he does die in battle on the battlefield it can not be called an honorable death as he has caused the deaths of so many other people purely for his own potential benefit. One thing they have in common is that their journeys, both of which end in blood and death, start with something mystical Hamlet with the ghost of his father, and Macbeth with the witches. There are so many ways to contrast the characters! Both Hamlet and Macbeth have characters who appear to have a mental breakdown. However, Hamlet is acting the part to deceive Claudius, while Macbeth has truly gone mad in his lust for power. Macbeth and Hamlet are different in many of their characteristics as people. Macbeth is very war orriented and wants to rule everything that he touches while Hamlet is very calm, artistic and sensitive (you can see this by the way he handles his fathers death and by the way he handles his emotions). You could say that Macbeth and Hamlet are on opposite ends of the good/evil spectrum. Hamlet is very much on the good side as he is trying to make right what his uncle has spoiled and unveil the wrongdoing he has done. Macbeth on the other hand is the one who has done the wrongdoing and is trying to remain in power as king while McDuff is trying to put it right. Neither of them are able to survive at the end of the play. Hamlet and Macbeth are both murdered because they are trying to, in their minds, put the right king on the thrown. Macbeth and Hamlet are similar in their halucinations. Both see the ghost of a dead king that brings on important plot movement. Hamlet sees his father who was killed by his uncle and Macbeth sees the king whom he/Lady Macbeth killed. Thesis: Shakespeare used the same definition of tragedy when he wrote Macbeth, and when he wrote Hamlet; Shakespearean tragedies use supernatural incidents to intrigue the readers interest, and his plays consist of a hero that has a tragic flaw (sometimes the want for the supernatural) which causes him to make a fatal mistake.